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Hitch in a sentence

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Sentence count:119+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bindblockcatchclaspdifficultydrawbackfastenhookjerkobstaclesnagstoppingtieyankSimilar words: ditchitchypitchbitchpitcherswitchglitchkitchenMeaning: [hɪtʃ]  n. 1. a period of time spent in military service 2. the state of inactivity following an interruption 3. an unforeseen obstacle 4. a connection between a vehicle and the load that it pulls 5. a knot that can be undone by pulling against the strain that holds it 6. any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome 7. the uneven manner of walking that results from an injured leg. v. 1. to hook or entangle 2. walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury 3. jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched 4. travel by getting free rides from motorists 5. connect to a vehicle: "hitch the trailer to the car". 
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1. Can I hitch a lift with you as far as the station?
2. He plans to hitch right round the coast of Ireland.
3. Due to a slight technical hitch the concert will be starting approximately half an hour late.
4. It is a shame to hitch up your trousers before the public.
5. After the hitch, I will not ship over.
6. The five-hour operation went without a hitch.
7. The launch was delayed by a technical hitch.
8. The whole show went without a hitch .
9. Evidently we have to hitch a passing car.
10. I want to hitch toward Boston.
11. I only want to hitch a ride home.
12. The ceremony went off without a hitch.
13. There's been a hitch in the plans.
14. Can I hitch a ridewith you?
15. He gave his sock a hitch.
16. A technical hitch prevented the lights from working.
17. Everything went without a hitch.sentence dictionary
18. Did they hitch then?
19. Hitch up my carriage[], let me ask him for longer time to pay back the loan.
20. There was a slight technical hitch which delayed the plane's take-off.
21. A hitch resulted in the deal being kicked firmly into touch.
22. Because of a technical hitch, we are unable to bring you the advertised programme.
23. We just need to hitch the trailer to the car and then we can go.
24. Maybe he could hitch a lift.
25. They also went through without a hitch.
26. Hitch told him to back off, then moved across.
27. All the electronic tackle performed without hitch.
28. He picked up a hitch - hiker.
29. To the bride's relief, the wedding ceremony went off without a hitch.
30. The discussion on the amendment of the tax law passed off without a hitch.
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