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Undergone in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+11Posted:2017-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: undergoundergroundundergrowthundergarmentundergraduateergonomicsunderkindergarten
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61. It is simply this: The vote of 1996 will determine whether the country has undergone a fundamental political realignment.
62. But, if you will allow me to say so, my yellow friend has undergone deep tribulation and humiliation.
63. Methods Twenty three patients who had undergone restorative proctocolectomy with ileal reservoir were included in the study.
64. Thirty patients had coexisting ulcerative colitis, including three who had previously undergone colectomy and one who discontinued treatment after three months.
65. During that time, he has undergone several medical examinations at the request of his father.
66. The control group consisted of patients who had undergone similar surgery for carcinoma of the right colon.
67. She has undergone three hip replacement surgeries in the last three years.
68. Government attitudes towards monetary policy have undergone enormous changes since 1945.
69. The reactors are similar in design to the Chernobyl plant but have undergone a number of modifications since 1986.
70. The turboprop has also undergone a maturing process that now makes it an easy engine to work on and spectacularly reliable.
71. The first, Thomas F.. Eagleton, was axed after it was disclosed he had undergone electric shock therapy for depression.
72. The firm is now under new management and the shop has undergone extensive renovation and structural work.
73. In the last few years the museum has undergone extensive renovation.
74. Was this the kind of total immersion in another person which Mortimer Harrison had undergone, in his unhealthy infatuation with her?
75. The hotel enjoys a good reputation and has recently undergone extensive refurbishing.
76. The other chapters have undergone a thorough revision, modernising of the content and retaining the clarity of the earlier edition.
77. Difficulties may arise if your company has recently undergone a change in top management, perhaps following a take-over of the business.
78. In the course of initiation they have undergone a passionate experience of discovery and conversion.
79. The Alley has undergone a rebirth under Boyd, who became artistic director in 1989.
80. A new bus service means people are just a short journey from Beresford Buildings, which have undergone a £1.1m refurbishment plan.
81. Some time ago I received a frantic telephone call from Carol, who had undergone successful hypnotic treatment about two years earlier.
82. The jeweller has undergone major surgery for his injuries but is now out of intensive care.
83. Jeanette Orton from Oxfordshire has already undergone surgery to correct a defect in her right eye.
84. A qualified teacher will have undergone a three-year course consisting of twenty hours a week in college as well as home study.
85. Radiators have also undergone a major change of image - there's now a wide range of styles, colours and materials.
86. He has chosen to take early retirement to protect his long-term health having undergone major heart surgery three years ago.
87. The human species has probably not undergone much genetic change in recorded time.
88. Difficulties arise in patients who are grossly obese and in those who have undergone extensive surgery in the upper abdomen.
89. A panel of monoclonal antibodies were used to characterise the gastric lymphoma in all 50 patients who had undergone surgery.
90. The body politic may have undergone radical surgery and it may have aged considerably,[] but it has continued to endure.
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