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Consignor in a sentence

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Sentence count:28Posted:2016-12-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: consignconsignmentsign onconsistconsiderconsist inconsist ofconsistentMeaning: [-nə]  n. the person who delivers over or commits merchandise. 
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1. The sea waybill also allows the consignor to vary his delivery instructions to the carrier at any time during the carriage.
2. The consignors then shopped the piece around, and Washington dealer Guy Bush got a very good buy indeed as a consequence.
3. Consignor: They are potatoes, flour and alcohol.
4. Consignor: Here is the Phytosanitary Certificate for the potatoes.
5. Consignor: Yes, here it is.
6. And the consignee or consignor shall make customs declaration the form of a customs declaration form.
7. Additionally the existence of trade commercialtransportation center in consignor dock repeats construction apparently.
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
8. Frozen plant of company many invest in, attract consignor thick as hail.
9. The Consignor shall absorb insurance premium and warehousing charges up to the date of delivery to customers.
10. When consignor and shipper are debtors , consignor should precede to perform the obligation.
11. Goods freight rate is a when influence consignor chooses to carry kind main factor.
12. Where the consignor violates the previous paragraph, the carrier may refuse to carry.
13. Should reduce pair of examination that build consignor commercial and transportation center particularly.
14. The consignor of commodities a quota or quota bidding shall be the exporter.
15. Consignor shall arrange for the people of consignee the period of Technical Services.
16. The drawing had been published in 1935 in connection with the painting(, yet both consignor and Sotheby's had been ignorant of this.
17. The multi - modal carriage document may either be assignable or non - assignable as required by the consignor.
18. Nothing in this Convention shall affect the right of the consignor to choose between multimodal transport and segmented transport.
19. A dead body of a male adult, a dead consignor, a target.
20. A common carrier may any normal and reasonable carriage requirement by a passenger or consignor.
21. The Great Balance Theory divides the present - day society into two: the consignor and the consignee.
22. The cabinets must be installed by the buyer or its consignor.
23. Fully understand the definition, recognition and responsibilities of Known Consignor , Regulated Agent and Airline Aircraft Operator.
24. Article 292 Passenger's Remedies in Case of Carrier's Failure to Travel by Prescribed Route The passenger, consignor or consignee shall pay the fare or freightage .
25. Mandatory national law" means any statutory law concerning carriage of goods the provisions of which cannot be departed from by contractual stipulation to the detriment of the consignor."
26. The legal relations of the trust include three parties concerned: consignor, bailee and beneficiary among whom the bailee is in the core position.
27. Article 18 In making export declaration for goods, the consignor of the export goods shall, in accordance with Customs declaration requirements.
28. Article 306 Packing of Cargo in Prescribed Manner The consignor shall pack the cargo manner.
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