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Ergonomics in a sentence

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Sentence count:62+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: economicseconomiceconomicaleconomicallyeconomic recoveryeconomistundergodynamicsMeaning: n. the branch of engineering science in which biological science is used to study the relation between workers and their environments. 
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1) Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is ergonomics?
2) A specialist in ergonomics will work with the team designing the production line in our new factory.
3) We were very impressed with the machine's ergonomics.
4) There is a need for formal ergonomics in any design where the designer himself is not an experienced user.
5) The ergonomics of the new office furniture have reduced eyestrain and back problems among the computer users.
6) His practical genius for ergonomics allowed him to succeed in adapting tasks to suit a disabled workforce.
7) Ergonomics also is pushed off-balance because the variety of human work increases in parallel with technology.
8) In the race for portability, ergonomics takes a back seat to size and convenience.
9) The context is, of course, the context of ergonomics as conceived by the designers of the list.
10) The principles of ergonomics that are important for all workers are particularly important for those working with arthritis.
11) The ergonomics emphasis will be on the human operator as the navigator moving towards the system objectives supported by various mechanisms.
12) In contrast,[] it is the ergonomics of the hardware and the physical environment that have received most attention.
13) The unique feature of ergonomics is its emphasis on the characteristics of human operators and their relevance to the design of work.
14) Ergonomics play an important part in the success of such a tacker.
15) ERGONOMICS . Tilted steering wheel . Automotive controls.
16) Adjustable ergonomics design of working angle.
17) ERGONOMICS . Light touch accelerator pedal eliminates operator fatigue.
18) Ergonomics, a great subject, designed to serve the people.
19) Do we ensure workplace health, safety(, and ergonomics?
20) Conclusion The application of ergonomics for design of operation field in sanitary train can be improved the rationality of the layout of field of operation, environmental comfort and work efficiency.
21) Ergonomics experts have warned about laptop problems for years -- mostly in vain.
22) In the previous book in this series the relationship of ergonomics to other aspects or kinds of technology was discussed in detail.
23) But performance is poor, the steering light and lifeless, ergonomics messy and the gearbox jerky.
24) I always struggled with technical issues, but then came across the discipline of ergonomics.
25) In the study of manipulation comfort, the operation space and the operation field is studied associating with ergonomics theories.
26) New Employee : That's easy. It was your office ergonomics that decided me.
27) From study of the patient mental characteristic and activity factor acquire the basis for medical treatment apparatus ergonomics design.
28) Fabric selected quality products, the introduction of three-dimensional to three-dimensional, cut aerodynamic technology, combining features of ergonomics, Seiko washing mill.
29) This text aims complicated operating system of the small-scaled hydraulic excavator. From the ergonomics point of view, designs a single pole operating system of the small-scaled hydraulic excavator.
30) Are recommendations unambiguous? Do recommendations follow clear usability, human factors, or ergonomics guidelines?
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