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Translucent in a sentence

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Sentence count:143+3Posted:2016-10-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: semitransparentSimilar words: translatetranslationtransienttransittransmittransfertransfusetransformMeaning: adj. almost transparent; allowing light to pass through diffusely. 
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121. It has a juicy, translucent flesh with a similar taste to a lychee.
122. Add leeks and garlic; saute , stirring , until translucent, about 7 minutes.
123. Able to use the current form of a translucent screen lock.
124. The pavilion was made out of 12 translucent orange cylinders housing the exhibit's various functions: conference room, information booth, food stand, and advertising column, for example.
125. Spaces are divided not by walls but by translucent screens,(Sentence dictionary) adding to the airiness.
126. In the ocean there was an abundance of minute and translucent, often phosphorescent, beings.
127. In addition to tall windows, Martha has a glass-paned kitchen door. Translucent, lightweight shades can be lowered for some privacy, while still letting daylight through.
128. Spring trees glow in the daytime , spreading translucent canopies.
129. Luminosity glows through pale velum walls. Watered neutrals and translucent colors converge in this opaque - defiant palette.
130. Second, makes the moisturizer, the cutin moisture content enough skin only then can be translucent.
131. He relied on translucent enamels to produce vivid, glowing pictures.
132. My skin could be pretty almost translucent - looking - but it all depended on color.
133. We miss each other in different place . Endless missing coagulates to clear and translucent dewdrop.
134. When you first click a swappable element,[] a translucent rectangle appears under the cursor.
135. Enamel forms the surface layer of tooth coronal, for translucent white strong organization, it is the hardest organization of calcify of camber of tooth body organization.
136. Porcelain: Vitrified pottery with a white, fine - grained Body that is usually translucent.
137. In EditMode each vertex is drawn in purple, each edge is drawn in black and each face is drawn in translucent dark-blue .
138. Steel pole, fibreglass ribs, colorful crystal handle, colorful nylon cloth cover, translucent plastic film packing, both for rainy and sunny use.
139. The start method creates the translucent rectangle and passes it to another object called a dragger.
140. Many glassreinforced composites are translucent when removed hot from the press.
141. Intermingled with the brownish red are such bright and dark colors as orange, black, blue and green; seemingly translucent, they flicker off and on, exhibiting a coloring effect of remarkable appeal.
142. It is mainly used as stabilizer for non-transparent or translucent PVC products.
143. on location, three Nikon Speedlight SB-800s and a translucent umbrella.
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