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Suspense in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+6Posted:2017-04-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: agitationanxietyapprehensionconcerndisquietdistressfearuneasinessSimilar words: suspensionsuspendsuspendedsuspended animationdispensesuspectsuspect ofconsensusMeaning: [sə'spens]  n. 1. apprehension about what is going to happen 2. an uncertain cognitive state 3. excited anticipation of an approaching climax. 
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121) The suspense craft is self operated by builders in accordance with the experience without theory, relatively complicated aginst furring and rarely involved in every standard.
122) Preparations were being made for administering extreme unction, and the house was full of the bustle and thrill of suspense usual at such moments.
123) Why don't we watch a suspense movie, or maybe a thriller?
124) Don't keep me in suspense - tell me what happened!
125) Breaking Bad has, in short, everything you could want from an hour-long show: suspense, laughs, danger, and poignance.
126) Then it passed, leaving everything in a state of suspense , even the willow branches waiting apprehensively.
127) The introductive words we often see are intergradation, topic-explaining, suspense, and intuition, etc.
128) It was followed by Crime, where plot and suspense were king, and those often sidelined as "genre fiction" — Crichton, King or Rendell — were given credit for their craft.
129) He wouldn't tell them, but kept them in suspense all day.
130) She was also cast opposite Liv Tyler in the suspense thriller The Strangers as one of the three masked intruders, "Dollface".
131) The movie kept the audience in suspense until the end.
132) The suspense, hilarity and seduction will keep you sucked in'till the bittersweet enthralling end.
133) The uniqueness of OHenrys writing style is manifested in the well - conceived outline, well-knit suspense , intricate plot, humorous coincidences and unexpected ending.
134) Furthermore, it offers its readers a peculiar experience by building vivid high-tech reproductive cloning world and cyber world through the use of such writing techniques as suspense,[] and coincidence.
135) This form of parallel action is often used to create suspense.
136) IPO restart is inevitable, it has not been any suspense.
137) The mechanism of formation of initial condensate droplets for dropwise condensation is still in suspense.
138) The said sum is now deposited in a suspense account in your favor waiting for the immediate remittance to you.
139) Desperate Housewives kept a steady flow of suspense, action, and intrigue Wisteria Lane.
140) A suspense accountan account showing a balance equal to the difference in the trial balance totals.
141) Can the President get away with murder? The fictional answer to this question results in a fast-paced page turner that combines political intrigue with gritty, hard-boiled suspense.
142) The House was very silent, and seemed to hold its judgment in suspense.
143) The children waited in suspense to hear the end of the story.
144) Writers use foreshadowing to create interest and to build suspense.
145) Born in London, England, the "Master of Suspense" Sir Alfred Hitchcock, KBE (1899-1980) had made countless suspense psychological thrillers.
146) It extracted a full measure of suspense and horror from the conventional machinery of Gothic.
147) I have since place this fund on what we call suspense account without any beneficiary.
148) The patient Bull won't have a problem plodding through educational books or drawn-out suspense thrillers.
149) At the very beginning of the story, Faulkner dexterously introduces "narrative ellipsis" to produce the cliff-hanging suspense which intensifies the theme of despicable human nature.
150) This paper tries to take French suspense master Francois Truffaut's suspense films as examples to explore the distinctive characteristics in suspense films of French style.
More similar words: suspensionsuspendsuspendedsuspended animationdispensesuspectsuspect ofconsensusexpenserecompenseopen secretdispensingspare no expenseat the expense ofdispensabledispensationindispensablevariable expensessuspicionsuspiciousnonsenseunder suspicioncensusdensesensetensesensescenserincenseoffense
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