Similar words: strategic, strategy, frustrate, illustrate, demonstrate, logical, ecological, theological. Meaning: adv. with regard to strategy.
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31, From three strategically located stages, well-known musical groups provide a dancing beat while roving bands serenade the crowd.
32, There are also liquid fertilizer mixing plants strategically placed on the eastern side of the country.
33, Clearly the aesthetic and technical problems of literary production had been conveniently neglected and subsumed within a strategically advantageous ideological reference system.
34, With its preeminent worldwide Web-hosting position, Verio is strategically poised to capitalize on the global electronic commerce explosion.
35, Strategically, it left Pyongyang more vulnerable and more isolated than before.
36, All students, however, can learn how to use their reading speed strategically.
37, The water from two rivers which sweep through the estate was harnessed to provide the five lakes strategically placed around the course.
38, Black and white is the theme here and a large white claw-and-ball bath is strategically placed in the centre of the room.
39, A few strategically placed stones will show off individual ferns.
40, But his next step was to calm himself down(, so that he could plan his moves strategically.
41, Individual unions are beginning to cooperate strategically and pool resources for membership recruitment and strike funds.
42, The door on the left was blown off its hinges by strategically placed charges that slammed it flat on to the floor.
43, The stripes on ties are formed by strategically burning away the nap of the velvet.
44, To do this, the group will need to ally itself strategically to these information providers.
45, They did not spoon, though Bessie strategically led her husband away so the two could be alone.
46, They were expelled, and replaced by an Athenian citizen colony, strategically placed to hold the straits of Artemision.
47, Inside the venue, they are strategically placed along the edge of a concert stage.
48, Fairfield, which bought the land in 1994, remains strategically tight-lipped on its plans for the rest of the ranch.
49, So strategically placed Asics Gel can significantly reduce the stress and shock of a run.
50, The raid devastated Hitler's strategically vital industrial zone in the Ruhr by breaching the Eder and Molne dams.
50, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
51, The terrain is strategically situated and difficult of access.
52, To strategically semidefinite. to pick from the tactical measures.
53, Strategically we should despise all our enemies.
54, Technically, they're retreating, but strategically, they're advancing.
55, Capricorn already took a strategically planned power nap.
56, All along, the medium and small enterprises in our country have strategically important action in national economy, being an important and active force in the development of our country.
57, Importantly, the inserts may be strategically placed within the sweatband, such as in the areas most vulnerable to concussion or injury upon impact.
58, Strategically, the Eighth Route Army is centring them on Shansi.
59, Russia's far east has always been the most strategically vulnerable part of Moscow's fissiparous imperium, in what is the world's biggest country.
60, Until active mineral extraction and processing in space is technologically, economically, strategically plausible... moon, is just another rock up in space looking down on us.
More similar words: strategic, strategy, frustrate, illustrate, demonstrate, logical, ecological, theological, biological, ideological, integrate, integrated, technological, psychological, typically, basically, ironically, physically, practically, politically, historically, dramatically, economically, specifically, automatically, frustration, administrator, demonstration, administrative, administration.