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Southern in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+23Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: northernSimilar words: southsoutheastsouthwestin truthsoupsourceauthorityauthorizeMeaning: ['sʌðə(r)n]  adj. 1. in or characteristic of a region of the United States south of (approximately) the Mason-Dixon line 2. situated in or oriented toward the south 3. situated in or coming from regions of the south 4. from the south; used especially of wind. 
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151. What Buchanan is saying is that people who cross the southern border are enemies.
152. Only 10 percent of Southern blacks have completed a college education, and further education courses are scarce.
153. Menu items have a Southern flair, with an emphasis on fresh fish.
154. The southern California air basin is the only area in the country that still fails to meet the nitrogen dioxide standard.
155. In 1911, after playing professionally for the Southern League side Leyton, he was bought by Sunderland for £1,200.
156. On its next possession, Southern Utah turned the ball over on a pass out of bounds.
157. Forty-two extended inhumations, several with wooden coffins, were examined(, 14 in the northern and 28 in the southern plot.
158. Nevertheless, administrative change was not the main reason for the decline of the networks in the Southern Band.
159. Even the huge ring roads around Lille, Tourcoing, Roubaix and Courtrai seem more basic than their southern counterparts.
160. The southern oyster drill, also called a conch, has not been a threat in Galveston Bay for years.
161. A tough Southern youth returns from the front a changed man.
162. Ike was elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention and other high denomination offices.
163. Such racial discrimination was also apparent at all stations in the Southern States of the United States.
164. Note: This is a traditional Southern recipe that can be served as a side dish or dessert.
165. For non-mountaineers, the great feature of Knoydart is Loch Nevis, forming its southern boundary.
166. In fact,[sentence dictionary] the Southern Califorian band had long since become as big a mass commodity as any band you can name.
167. Southern California Edison, one of the electricity companies facing bankruptcy, defaulted on debt repayments of $ 596m.
168. Southern species often sit in dirt roads or sandy tracks and appear in car headlights.
169. All transformed cell lines were examined by Southern blot hybridisation.
170. But focusing on electoral politics and economic development distracts us from the truly ugly side of our southern neighbor.
171. Some southern areas managed the change to integrated schools without much difficulty; but many used every possible delaying tactic.
172. Then, discerning an unfilled need, he started a cigar-box company in the heart of the Southern Ontario tobacco fields.
173. Hart has attracted some sharp criticism, especially from Otago and southern parts of the South Island.
174. The year after the war concluded, Southern Baptist leader Jeremiah Jeter specified why the races must stay apart.
175. "Driving Miss Daisy" is the story of a contrary Southern lady and her wise chauffeur.
176. But does Southern rock have a place in alternative music?
177. After this, the path follows the southern edge of the estuary.
178. In the southern state of Tabasco, farmers blockaded 60 oil wells in February to demand compensation from Pemex.
179. In 1921, for instance night patrols made thirteen arrests for cattle stealing in the Southern and Western Provinces.
180. It is one of comparison between the northern, highly industrialised countries and the southern, less well developed economies.
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