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Repugnance in a sentence

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Sentence count:32Posted:2016-10-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: horrorincompatibilityinconsistencymutual exclusivenessrepulsionrevulsionSimilar words: pugnaciouspregnancypenancefinancesustenancemaintenancerepublicpregnantMeaning: [rɪ'pʌgnəns]  n. 1. intense aversion 2. the relation between propositions that cannot both be true at the same time. 
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1. She felt a deep sense of shame and repugnance.
2. I cannot overcome my repugnance to eating snails.
3. The thought of eating meat fills me with repugnance.
4. He fought down a feelings of repugnance.
5. She turned away in repugnance.
6. She was trying to overcome her physical repugnance for him.
7. She has a deep repugnance to the idea of accepting charity.
8. He submitted tongue-tied, and shivered with repugnance when he felt the warm wetness of her face.
9. The Government's repugnance for that organisation and everything it stands for has been made absolutely clear on repeated occasions.
10. All of that is of the utmost repugnance.
11. She turned away from him in repugnance.
12. A strong feeling of repugnance.
13. What to Do With Your Moral Repugnance?
14. Used to express horror , disgust,[] or repugnance.
15. He has a great repugnance to writing letters.
16. The old lady's face creased into furrows of repugnance, and she made no further reply.
17. Yeobright overcame his repugnance, for Susan had at least borne his mother no illwill.
18. She had a repugnance to the person with whom she spoke.
19. Tears of anger and repugnance began to hang from my eyes.
20. She have a deep repugnance to the idea of accepting charity.
21. The repugnance to animal food is not the effect of experience, but is an instinct.
22. But today, that repugnance to monotheism is not a laughing matter.
23. She was absolutely still and intent, fascinated, almost hypnotised, but there was repugnance there, too.
24. Freud was right, Maud thought, vigorously rubbing her white legs, desire lies on the other side of repugnance.
25. Even though the device was righteous, he felt a certain repugnance towards it.
26. Emotion becomes ever more constrained by feelings of shame, repugnance or propriety.
27. I didn't even have to think about it to dislike the idea; my repugnance was instinctive.
28. Just before I entered, initial curiosity gave way to fear(, even a feeling of repugnance.
29. The woman tried to fight down a feeling of repugnance to speak to her ex - husband .
30. Otherwise, does not speak the principle, a rage sips the vinegar, must annoy the repugnance.
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