Synonym: but, just, merely, only, plainly. Similar words: imply, comply, comply with, implement, implication, implementation, similar, similarly. Meaning: ['sɪmplɪ] adv. 1. and nothing more 2. absolutely; altogether; really 3. in a simple manner; without extravagance or embellishment 4. absolutely.
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91. He's simply regurgitating stuff remembered from lectures.
92. You simply must read this book.
93. Many students simply regurgitate what they hear in lectures.
94. Explain it as simply as you can.
95. I've simply extracted a few figures.
96. There simply aren't any jobs going in this area.
97. She's simply wrong for this job.
98. I've simply cut egg yolks out entirely.
99. Try to express yourself more simply.
100. He simply won't accept the committee's decision.
101. We were simply taken apart by the other team.
102. Darling,( you look simply ravishing in that dress!
103. His disappearance could simply be a put-up job.
104. Most of these problems won't simply dissolve.
105. These trials are simply taking far too long.
106. She simply lapped up all the compliments.
107. I simply can't get along without a secretary.
108. Put simply, we accept their offer or go bankrupt.
109. He simply cannot be trusted to keep his word.
110. Smoking between courses simply isn't done.
111. It was simply a very polished performance.
112. This sort of increase simply cannot be justified.
113. You look simply divine, darling.
114. It can simply be left on the work surface.
115. You simply 'must read this book it's so funny.
116. This argument is simply not tenable.
117. The country simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees.
118. It's simply not in her nature to grumble.
119. Simply cut out and return the coupon.
120. She simply raved about French cooking.
More similar words: imply, comply, comply with, implement, implication, implementation, similar, similarly, similarity, reply, supply, apply, apply to, sharply, apply for, simultaneously, shrimp, impose, import, impact, impair, glimpse, impulse, impress, improved, temple, complex, employ, sample, important.