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Relational in a sentence

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Sentence count:300Posted:2017-08-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: international relationsrelationrelationscorrelationdirectional relayin relation torelationshipforeign relationsMeaning: [rɪ'leɪʃənl]  adj. having a relation or being related. 
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151. With the norm gray relational grade analytical method, this paper analyses the factors that influence the VMA-voids in the mineral aggregate-collapse.
152. Another benefit of the move to DB2 9 is the hybrid storage engine and a query optimizer that "understands" XML (mapping to relational algebra for queries involving XML).
153. The relational DEA model is proposed in this research to measure the managerial efficiency of the series system.
154. Objective To explore the type, quantitive data and proportional relational relationship of axillary artery(AA) and its branches.
155. Considering current applications in CIMS, relational multidatabase system which has unique global schema is taken as the main part of global information system.
156. Using the method of relational analysis in grey system theory, we study the primary factors that influence yield of vinegar-waste Pleurotus ostreatus.
157. They reflect device characteristics and are essentially relational databases descr ising device information.
158. Based on the formal definitions of relational database schema and OWL ontology, the approach follows a set of universal mapping rules from a relational database schema to an OWL ontology.
159. PRISMA/DB is a parallel main memory relational data base management system.
160. Speed of disk subsystem - InterChange Server makes extensive use of WebSphere MQ and a relational database.
160. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
161. Some properties of fuzzy relational matrix concerning with the stability of fuzzy systems are discussed in this paper.
162. It's very different from managing according to the traditional relational model.
163. Apache Derby is an open source relational database system most suited for small repositories.
164. "The civil society", this noun already has a long time of origin. Its rich and developing concept is following between the relational evolution between the civil society and the political country.
165. This allows rapid development of applications that require either XML data, relational data, or a hybrid set of XML and relational data.
166. This is when the complexity of relational databases starts to rub against their potential to scale.
167. In this paper, a relational database based on nested relation is proposed it supports text storage and text operator. The text query is supported by signature file indexing technology.
168. The functional dependency theory has a great influence over the design and application of relational database.
169. Based on the experimental data, the relational expression of gas hold - up with parameters has been obtained.
170. The remaining bucket holds a variety of storage patterns ranging special file systems such as ZFS to applications managing their own block storage (e.g. cache servers) to relational databases.
171. Then the relational expression of the total cost of production and the effective number is found.
172. In the sociaty of the relational orientation, personal relation between the personnel of channel boundary may be an important variable that influences the use of channel power.
173. But sometime there are duplicate storage problems because of the impedance mismatch between object model and relational model.
174. SELECT derives many of its operations from relational algebra, and encompasses a large portion of it.
175. It provides strongly-typed LINQ data access experience over relational databases, including direct, efficient access to SQL Server.
176. Fourth - generation languages are often used to structure queries in relational databases.
177. If the object model for your application doesn't translate easily into the relational model, you'll have quite a challenge mapping your objects to tuples and back again.
178. Three important conceptions-function dependence, normalization and dissolution of data scheme-are analysed. Their directive action for design of relational data model is pointed out as well.
179. This paper introduces a set of algorithms of parallel operations of a database machine TDM, which is a tree-structured relational database machine implemented by us.
180. If some or all of your XML documents are small enough to fit into their corresponding row on the base table page in the DAT object, they can be inlined into the relational row.
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