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Relational in a sentence

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Sentence count:300Posted:2017-08-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: international relationsrelationrelationscorrelationdirectional relayin relation torelationshipforeign relationsMeaning: [rɪ'leɪʃənl]  adj. having a relation or being related. 
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121. Within a relational database system, most interactions between an application and the actual database are in the form of SQL statements within a session or connection.
122. An operation can be a relational operator, a system- or user-defined function, or an SQL operator, such as GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and so on.
123. This paper introduces the utilization of XML and the thought of relational schema translation based on XML, and illustrates the concrete translation method with examples.
124. Note: The query optimizer considers using a functional index when the index expression is used in a relational expression or as an argument to one of the operator class functions.
125. The subsequent expressions, however, produce boolean values using relational comparisons, then use logical operations on the results.
126. And the structured query language and the theory of relational database design are introduced, too.
127. Get more information about IBM's powerful family of relational database management system (RDBMS) servers.
128. When should I use a Native XML Database System or a Relational Database System?
129. Based on this model, this paper constructs two different kinds of fuzzy database query languages: the fuzzy relational algebra and fuzzy relational calculus.
130. This gave rise to the need for a "null value" to represent unknown or inapplicable values in relational databases.
130. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
131. When a relational database system is implemented, three - valued logic is usually adopted to handle incomplete information.
132. The example guideline in Listing 17 specifies that all applicable relational and XML indexes on the SECURITY table be used.
133. A real application would probably use a relational database system, but this example is enough for our purposes.
134. The traditional relational database system can't provide the scalability these applications need.
135. The measure of amino acid ratio and N-terminal sequence of the protein coincided with the relational reports.
136. Precontract is based on the theory of the Relational Contract Law and Life of Contract, which reflect the parties' intention to control the process to make a forward contract.
137. The previous article discussed how Application Server and Application Developer use an XML file called Schema.dbxmi to represent a relational database schema that is mapped to an EJB design.
138. The results show that two IPR calculation methods are consistent when using given shear - rate relational expression.
139. Query performance : Inlining of XML data makes base table size larger than usual as now the XML data is stored at the same location as relational.
140. As a high - performance relational database system, SQL Server 2000 can respond quickly to requests for information efficient.
141. Meanwhile, as a system evaluation method based on matrix modules, relational matrix analysis has the advantage of combining objectiveness with subjective evaluation.
142. Join dependency in relational data theory is not seldom seen during database systems designing.
143. Of course, primary keys are never defined directly against views in a commercial relational database environment.
144. Informix Dynamic Server is a relational database management system designed to provide client/server processing capabilities for enterprises, workgroups, midsize businesses, and even small businesses.
145. During the registration of a data source object on a relational data source, default type mappings determine how a data source data type should map to a DB2 type for each column.
146. Mongo collections, much like relational database tables, need to be properly indexed to ensure reasonable query performance.
147. The semanteme ambiguity of the address of Chinese has offered the convenience for the bidirectional relational in language choice.
148. This is the basis for resolving data redundancy and TNF abnormal in the historical relational scheme.
149. The innovation of this article is the security loophole scanning design model based on port scanning and the scanning engine which uses openning port - relational tree strategy.
150. The article analyzes the cause of account receivable and pose relational polices.
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