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Reinforce in a sentence

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Sentence count:281+5Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bracefortifyintensifystrengthenSimilar words: in forceenforceenforcementforceby forcewhereininformgo in forMeaning: [‚rɪːɪn'fɔrs /-'fɔːs]  v. 1. make stronger 2. strengthen and support with rewards. 
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151) Your positive response will reinforce her actions.
152) Third Corps was hard pressed and Meade sent V Corps and part of 11 Corps to reinforce Sickles in the Peach Orchard.
153) And some decompound production of foaming agent can reinforce the foaming ability of refining slag.
154) The company said they would reinforce areas and relocate residents if necessary.
155) The mould is spread on top of the ants' trap to reinforce its structure, as it hardens into a fibreglass-like material.
156) Functional training of defecation reflex was strengthened to reinforce the recovery of stoma.
157) In the meanwhile, it is very meaningful to discuss how to reinforce water energy management.
158) Anchorage technology is an important means of reinforce in the mine engineering.
159) To adapt to the rapid development of medicine and law and the impact of globalization of crime, it is necessary to reinforce the forensic pathology postgraduate general competence.
160) The tenth plant in China will further reinforce the leading market position of the Volkswagen Group.
161) By comparing main properties of pipe with FWRPM, FRP pipe, steel pipe, Cast iron pipe and reinforce concrete make know technical economic superiority of FWRPM pipe and its broad developing prospects.
162) So how do we reinforce the modern concept of nationalism?
163) We should reinforce the river embankment before the wet season.sentence dictionary
164) 1863 - American Civil War: Battle of Chattanooga begins - Union forces led by General Ulysses S. Grant reinforce troops at Chattanooga, Tennessee and counter-attack Confederate troops.
165) The wave is to reinforce itself after one round trip.
166) The Principles'general appliance obligation thus works to reinforce managers'preexisting socialization toward law compliance.
167) Vibro-jet method is to reinforce the soil by vibration and jetting.
168) This system is one kind of system software based on OS and its main goal is to reinforce the job management function of OS.
169) It is necessary to reinforce emergency ideological and political work in oil exploration industry as oil exploration activities are mostly carried out in unfrequented areas with unexpected happenings.
170) Rather, they should reinforce checks and balances and stimulate a debate.
171) Fully welded tubular steel frame with mirror finish, Full round bends. 2, heavy reinforce saddle leather.
172) In order to reinforce the frequency stability of Yunnan power grid, the update and field tests of generator primary frequency control function have been carried out since 2005.
173) An overarching priority is to reinforce professional staffing, which is much more profitable than clerical staff.
174) Taking on a specialty or a subspecialty can also be a way to reinforce your value to the company.
175) AA aims to change not only the behavior but the personality in order to reinforce sobriety.
176) He added that the Madagascan Senate is ready to further reinforce exchange and contact with the CPPCC and make efforts to the development of bilateral friendly ties.
177) But management, he assured, was going to reinforce the G-string distribution.
178) For each to beneficially reinforce the other, the intellectual property system must be harnessed to promote Internet freedom.
179) The thesis propounds some pointed measures on how to reinforce the concept of stock right cost in business supervisors.
180) When errors and old muscle memory patterns creep back into your game, simply recall the two key points and actively use your brain to reinforce the correct muscle memory pattern.
More similar words: in forceenforceenforcementforceby forcewhereininformgo in forfor certainfigure ininformalinterfere ininformationporchforeignersovereigntyunfoldon footsourcedesign forfierceper centperceiveresourcein fullin factinfantEINin return forperceived
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