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Referential in a sentence

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Sentence count:63Posted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: preferentialdeferentialdeferentiallyinferentialdifferentiatedifferentiationreferencereferendumMeaning: ['refə'renʃl]  adj. referring or pointing to something. 
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(1) There are always referential alternatives possible to the speaker and addressee and to the observer in relation to any utterance.
(2) It has a network architecture for high-performance and referential integrity, but also allows purely relational systems to be built where required.
(3) The referential rigidity is said to be subject to a simple intuitive test.
(4) Constraints like referential integrity can be placed automatically on new data entered into the system and on updates to existing records.
(5) All we have is a difference in the referential relations between linguistic expressions and the world outside language.
(6) Think of transaction handling and referential integrity.
(7) Conclusions obtained have certain referential value for parameters adjustment.
(8) Referential : object used as point of reference for the rotation.
(9) The selection procedure for R18 offered a referential example for breeding varieties highly resistant to verticillium wilt of cotton.
(10) This table uses referential integrity constraints to ensure data validity.
(11) This courtyard arrangement is also referential to the current architecture designs.
(12) This is a referential method for the identification of Chinese drugs.
(13) Hence[], we propose a reference model for referential RFID impacts.
(14) The predicting models has something referential value for forecast the extreme temperature on asphalt overlay structure of Ningbo area.
(15) There are two aspects of word meaning: referential meaning and connotative meaning.
(16) The nature of fuzziness is its unsharp referential boundary, it is the essence that acts as the major criterion in distinguishing fuzziness from generality, ambiguity, and vagueness.
(17) The method may provide some referential materials for production in industrial scale.
(18) This paper furnish referential for finding the similar granitic geomorphologic landscape with the aesthetics value.
(19) The variant realizations of a linguistic variable do not encode different referential meanings.
(20) This critique should not be understood to imply that experimental referential communication research is wasted effort.
(21) Let us begin by taking a closer look at the logical structure of referential symbols.
(22) In the world of the infant and parent,( the referential function of language often takes a subordinate role to others.
(23) We may call this a disparity of structure, as opposed to Bach's, which could be termed a referential disparity.
(24) In future under roof falling using bolt support provides referential experiences.
(25) And the last part excavate the contemporary significance of the thought of "the new people" personality so as to provide the referential experience for the construction of syntonic personality.
(26) It aims to describe the routine practices that constitute anaphoric repair and account for both the mechanism and process of anaphoric repair and the referential choice in repair sequence.
(27) Axis Of Rotation : vector expressed in a given referential.
(28) Compared with the relevant sentences in the cross-linguistic perspective, it can be concluded that its information function originates from the different features of referential expressions.
(29) The conflict and combination of the litigant-centered principle and power-centered principle, two major suit patterns, provide an essential referential perspective for this trend.
(30) Anaphora is traditionally regarded as a syntactically controlled co - referential relationship on the surface level of language.
More similar words: preferentialdeferentialdeferentiallyinferentialdifferentiatedifferentiationreferencereferendumpreferenceproduct differentiationrefereedeferencevas deferensdifferentsequentialpotentialessentialnonessentialpotentiallytangentialessentiallyexponentialindifferentresidentialinfluentialinessentialtangentiallycredentialsconfidentialessentiality
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