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Wee in a sentence

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Sentence count:117+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bittiebittyitsy-bitsyitty-bittymakemake watermicturatepass waterpeepee-peepiddlepisspuddlerelieve oneselfspend a pennytake a leakteensyteensy-weensyteentsyteenyteeny-weenyurinatewee-weeweensyweenySimilar words: weekweedweepsweepweeklyweed outbetweenweekendMeaning: [wɪː]  n. a short time. v. eliminate urine. adj. 1. (used informally) very small 2. very early. 
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1. He just needs to calm down a wee bit.
2. My wee boy is three.
3. There's a wee cottage inside the grounds.
4. I'll have a wee drop of cream in my coffee.
5. We'll be a wee bit late, I'm afraid.
6. I'm a wee bit worried about him.
7. She looked a wee bit confused.
8. I'm going for a wee.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. "God, I need a wee!" she said.
10. How about a wee dram to celebrate?
11. Do you want a wee?
12. He said he wanted to wee.
13. Just a wee drop of milk for me.
14. Mummy, I need a wee.
15. The party continued into the wee small hours.
16. The baby has done a wee in his potty.
17. I felt a wee bit guilty about it.
18. Daddy(, I want to wee!
19. Do you need to wee?
20. Would you care for a wee bit more to eat?
21. I lay awake through the wee small hours, waiting for the signal.
22. Monica is a wee bit overweight.
23. On you go, wee man.
24. She has got a great wee figure.
25. Men, honestly, wee boys at heart.
26. The wee men were there in force.
27. Seen a wee skirt in Miss Selfridge.
28. You're a brave wee boy.
29. You build these wee engines and take them apart.
30. How old's the wee bairn?
More similar words: weekweedweepsweepweeklyweed outbetweenweekend
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