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Orthopedic in a sentence

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Sentence count:58Posted:2017-02-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: orthopaedicorthopedicalSimilar words: hope against hopeencyclopediaunorthodoxorthodontisthopehopefulhopelesshopefullyMeaning: adj. of or relating to or employed in orthopedics. 
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1. The most orthopedic surgeons, specialists in bone injuries.
2. The head of orthopedic surgery at Sloan-Kettering uses implants manufactured by Biomet, Inc.
3. I can not see an orthopedic doctor until late March of 1996.
4. Likewise, the orthopedic surgeon keeps records and shares all his information with the player.
5. An orthopedic surgeon who asked not to be identified said he also hears increased patient complaints about waiting for bedpans or medications.
6. On April 1, 1922, Los Angeles's first orthopedic hospital opened, including a school for its young patients.
7. Both cases underwent excisional biopsy by orthopedic surgeons.
8. David's dad, an orthopedic surgeon, oddly subdued.
9. Most orthopedic surgeons are open to this.
10. They are the two major advances in orthopedic medicine.
11. Project materials drawn from orthopedic devices, soft tissue implants, artificial organs,( and dental implants.
12. Orthopedics ( or orthopedic surgery ): Medical specialty concerned with the skeleton and its associated structures.
13. I need a management software for orthopedic and orthotic practitioners.
14. In treatment of fracture, orthopedic doctors need to master the scientific methodology.
15. Q. What do you call two orthopedic surgeons reading an ECG.
16. My grandfather was an orthopedic surgeon and he had a lot of books in his library that I would just pore over.A lot of them had really horrible pictures of deformities.
17. Today(, orthopedic surgeons aim to get people out of bed as quickly as possible.
18. We also consulted experts in orthopedic surgery, rheumatology and radiology to produce this narrative review on lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis.
19. After finishing his studies in Boston, he returned to Los Angeles, becoming the first orthopedic surgeon in the Southwest.
20. He was taken to a local hospital, where doctors recommended that he see orthopedic surgeons here.
21. And the medical staff has been augmented with an orthopedic and vascular surgeon.
22. My mom fired him on the spot and called in an orthopedic specialist.
23. To advise, encourage and establish control programs to lower the incidence of orthopedic and genetic diseases.
24. Titanium and its alloys are widely used as biomedical materials in orthopedic and dental surgery because of their high specific strength, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility.
25. "We bought what he said. He offered a lot of hope," says Fred Ferlic, an Obama voter and orthopedic surgeon in South Bend who has since soured on his choice.
26. The use of LMWH has gained enthusiasm within the orthopedic community due to its well-documented bioavailability and the absence of monitoring for clotting indices (ie, INR).
27. For in - patient departments of internal medicine ward, general surgery ward, orthopedic ward.
28. This appliance can be used not only for diaphysial fracture, some intra-articular fractures and orthopedic but also for limb lengthening and the study of related orthopedic diseases.
29. It is used to make molds and casts for ceramics and sculptures, to precast and hold ornamental plasterwork on ceilings and cornices, and for orthopedic bandages (casts).
30. Avascular necrosis of femoral head and dislocation of hip joint are common orthopedic diseases.
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