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Manipulative in a sentence

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Sentence count:56+1Posted:2017-04-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: manipulationmanipulatingmanipulatestipulatecumulativeaccumulativepopulationoverpopulationMeaning: adj. skillful in influencing or controlling others to your own advantage. 
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31 In the first place she sharpened her political antennae and manipulative skills.
32 He underwent a manipulative operation on his neck yesterday and is not expected to be fit.
33 You can find therapists along the whole spectrum, from caring and honest to cool and manipulative.
34 Although largely neglected today, this latter function is unashamedly manipulative.
35 However, we must guard against the impression that all upward communication is manipulative.
36 Machiavellian and manipulative, the Lords are often maligned.
37 They were grasping and manipulative.
38 manipulative skills such as typing and knitting.
38 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
39 It can be cynical, manipulative, and egotistic, or it can be joyous and guileless.
40 To identify the clinical position of manipulative reduction to supinate and extorsion Trimalleolar fractures.
41 As the important tache, substation is the main surveillant and manipulative point of the electric network.
42 This paper analysed the traits of emergence of malodor contamination in summer and put forward corresponding manipulative measures.
43 He must be scared to death; he must be thinking I'm this manipulative mean woman.
44 These manipulative attempts to get one's own way are sometimes referred to as "passive aggression" or "indirect aggression".
45 The experiment result proves that the system is possesses the features of multi parameter testing and high precision and manipulative convenience.
46 It is the osteopathic physician's highly developed sense of touch that allows the physician to palpate (feel) this motion and, through skilled hands, to administer osteopathic manipulative treatments.
47 He [ Bush ] isn't perceived as evil, manipulative or even especially political , like Nixon or Lyndon Johnson.
48 Objective:To summarize the clinical effect of thrypsis of distal radius by the treatment of manipulative reduction combined with plaster drafting.
49 The world in which they live emotionally and cognitively is a television world, a world produced and explained by Strongly manipulative information and entertainment industries.
50 The canvas is then subjected to manipulative and destructive techniques that render the traditional form of the painting unrecognisable.
51 A manipulative and evil creature, Phobos murdered many of her rivals in her bid for power.
52 And if the coach is manipulative and self-aggrandizing, how can —and why should —his players make the necessary on-court sacrifices required of winning teams?
53 Objective:To evaluate the effect of manipulative reduction combined with isometric exercise with resistance on the atlantoaxial subluxation.
54 In dealing with manipulative licensing recognized brand method to recognize card, to choose the first or second, finally achieved his issued a major suit.
55 Objective: to observe the effect of parboil and manipulative therapy on cervical spondylotic radiculopathy.
56 Objective:To study therapeutic effects of manipulative upper and middle cervical vertebra in the treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome at earlier period.
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