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Manipulate in a sentence

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Sentence count:167+4Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: conductfeelhandlemanagemaneuveroperatetouchworkSimilar words: populationregulateinsulatedcalculatestimulatespeculatearticulatepopularityMeaning: [mə'nɪpjəleɪt /-jʊl-]  v. 1. influence or control shrewdly or deviously 2. hold something in one's hands and move it 3. fake or falsify 4. manipulate in a fraudulent manner 5. control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage 6. treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposed. 
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121. Once the appropriate credit default swap data is retrieved from the database, the application can further manipulate the data as desired.
122. On the basis of constructing laser microbeam system we manipulate hollow dielectric spheres in suspension with optical trap, it validates the kinetic performance of the laser trap.
123. Open-mindedness can often be treated as gullibility and therefore used as a tool to manipulate people's beliefs.
124. tele-immersion will allow us to manipulate holographic projections as if they were real objects.
125. The major problem of accounting earnings is accrual-based. Companies may easily manipulate it by using some non-cash items. Remember: Cash is the king!
126. But, as Cowan notes(, "It's certainly exciting that there may be a way to manipulate white adipose tissue to make it something that is more metabolically active and more brown fat–like."
127. China is enough of a market economy that it cannot manipulate its real effective exchange rate.
128. If you must deal with many-megabyte XML documents, it's often impractical to spend the memory, disk space, and CPU overhead to manipulate such huge documents.
129. Conclusion Endoscope is easy to manipulate with a clear operation field, and can, therefore, be used in myringoplasty for all kinds of tympanic membrane perforations using sandwich technique.
130. In previous versions of the language, it was practically a black art to manipulate the display order (depth) of the items in a Flash movie.
131. To do anything useful, you must use the language to manipulate objects exposed by the host environment to the script language.
132. Since the data is exported from the iPod in a standardized format, it's relatively easy for other services to manipulate.
133. Key constructs in C such as structs, pointers and arrays are designed to structure, and manipulate memory in an efficient, machine-independent fashion.
134. The press barons would no longer be able to push an unrepresentative party into office or easily manipulate it once it's there.
135. Open-mindedness can often be treated as gullibility and therefore used as a tool to manipulate people's beliefs. Daschmann has stated a reason for this gullibility .
136. The Cyber Space includes enriched spiritual content of mankind rational, the levels of consist of means rational, value rational, rational of manipulate, rational of linkup etc.
137. Under what circumstances would managers have the incentive to manipulate the timing of revenue recognition? How would they do it? What risks are involved?
138. Any attempts to manipulate the economy in exploitive ways can have a large negative impact on many players.
139. The capability to manipulate high-frequency acoustic phonon generation in both temporal and spatial domains should flourish the field of nanoultrasonics.
140. I think as we are being envious, we should work even harder. We create our future, it doesn't come from luckiness, or speculate and manipulate for self-interest.
141. "It turns out we can very simply manipulate their genetics to produce fungi that induce up to a five-fold growth increase in this globally important food plant, " Sanders said.
142. Therefore, they usually have the incentives to manipulate non-taxable earnings to avoid the tax obligation of earnings management.
143. One could say (I have seen such definitions used in some textbooks on programming language theory) that a programming language is merely a way to create data types and manipulate them.
144. Beyond that their work deals with the capacity of the video medium to manipulate reality: the video's ostensibly objective documentary quality brings a fictive element in historiography to the fore.
145. Those holding power as a main or sub tone will trigger the veils to be lifted upon all others that wish to manipulate a circumstance into being other than what it is, or put on pretenses of any kind.
146. As you can see, the TDT represents an incredibly fine-grained representation of the test case, allowing you to manipulate the data in a variety of ways.
147. The simple format of the extracted configuration makes it easy to read and manipulate.
148. According to Paul Ekman, an eminent researcher on deception, duping delight "is the pleasure we get over having someone else in our control and being able to manipulate them."
149. "My long-term goal is to someday learn enough so we can manipulate the sleep pathways without damaging our health," says human geneticist Ying-Hui Fu at the University of California-San Francisco.
150. The Extended MAPI service allows full control of the information on the remote server, and includes the ability to manipulate more complex information and structures.
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