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180 in a sentence

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Sentence count:172+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: 10000101105110115125130135Meaning: adj. being ten more than one hundred seventy. 
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1 The car had spun through 180 degrees on impact.
2 A postman's wages are 180 per week.
3 Rotate the wheel through 180 degrees.
4 The film has taken £180 million at the box office.
5 Car sales rocketed from 180 to 2000 a year.
6 This watch lists at $ 180.65.
7 Then the cylinder is rotated 180 degrees.
8 He was returned to Parliament by 180 votes.
9 Fires have burned up 180,( acres of timber.
10 He scraped in with 180 votes.
11 180 vehicles out of a total of 900 examined were not roadworthy.
12 Analysts predict the retailer will continue to bleed red ink, with losses topping $180 million.
13 The island's population initially numbered 180, but there was a gradual decline until only 40 people were left.
14 Only 18 of the UN's 180 members had paid their dues by the January deadline.
15 She has built up a chain of 180 bookshops across the country.
16 The resolution was adopted by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 against it.
17 Jack's done a 180 and agreed to come on the trip.
18 This deal gives you 180 minutes free airtime a month.
19 Heart disease is the biggest killer, claiming 180,000 lives a year.
20 Victorian inlaid china-cabinet, £180; ruby oil lamp, £175.
21 We still have a $180,000 mortgage on the house.
22 There are currently around 180 Lead Bodies in existence.
23 Pure cashmere sweaters down from £180 to £108.
24 The water temperature should be at least 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
25 Bosses at Ford also announced 1,180 job losses on top of an expected 2,000 white collar redundancies.
26 Of's 180,000 registered subscribers, 100,000 had given permission for their information to be passed on to third parties.
27 At their apogee, the novels of Spillane claimed worldwide sales of over 180 million.
28 The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.
29 Jack usually bowls a 120 game, but yesterday he bowled 180.
30 Spotted Eagle's squaw, Vicky, spends hundreds of hours sewing on 180,000 beads on to each outfit.
More similar words: 1000010110511011512513013514414515516 pf16016517017518th1901930s1950sAESAFAPareBBCbobpc.Cap.CH
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