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190 in a sentence

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Sentence count:100Posted:2016-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: 10000101105110115125130135Meaning: adj. being ten more than one hundred eighty. 
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1. Preheat the oven to 190°C.
2. The average bagel has 190 calories.
3. More than 3,190,600 animals have been slaughtered.
4. A sunroof would have added another $ 1, 190.
5. Him: suit jacket, £680; striped shirt, £190.
6. At the beginning of 1940 there were 190 male members, yet four years later only 93!
7. It marks the opening of the company's £190 million engine factory which will both secure jobs and create new ones.
8. His successful bid was for £190,000 although he had made a higher prior offer which had been turned down.
9. Aprilia claims it can cover 190 miles on a tank of fuel and more than 20 miles using battery power alone.
10. If you drove the ball 190 yards into the wind you had crushed it.
11. The Northampton amphora, the best vase in the sale, made a record price of £190,000.
12. The organisers say the 4-day trip is good value at £190.
13. A better bet for performance is the smaller 190, with the optional 2.5-litre diesel instead of the usual 2-litre version.
14. P 500 companies showed 190 with earnings above expectations, 94 with earnings below expectation and 36 equaling expectations.
15. We headed north, traveling 190 miles mostly by interstate, stretched to six hours by frequent stops.
16. Two garden seats went at £155; a Vienna wall clock made £190 and a school clock £90.
17. The finest gold has been changing hands in London - the world's biggest market - for £190 an ounce.
18. The total world population was put at 190 at the last count.
19. Incidentally, I telephoned Harrods to enquire what their cheapest chipboard coffin would be[], to which the answer was £190!
20. More than 190 theatres and touring companies will receive substantial rises from spring next year, with some having their funding quadrupled.
21. Women's birdseye wool jackets £190 to £95. Pure new wool suit for men £295 to £199.
22. Fisons announced a 17 percent decline in pre-tax profits in 1991 to £190.5m.
23. It popped up in a recent Capes, Dunn sale of toys, teddy bears, model railways etal and made £190.
24. Earlier, other recruits of the 190 brought in by Timex were barracked as they drove through the lines in cars.
25. In 1994, 17, 190 of the 23, 720 homicides, 72 percent, were pegged to shootings.
26. Less apparent on Mercedes' stand - and consequently ignored by most show visitors - was a prototype 190 electric car.
27. Digital Equipment Corp is to phase out its Boston manufacturing facility, where about 190 people are employed making cables for computers.
28. Sakura bank fell as much as 50 yen to 1, 190 yen.
28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
29. Adjustments were needed to the alignments and this resulted in a steepened length about 190 yds. from the portal.
30. The staff of the 49-county San Francisco regional office has been increased from 45 people to 190.
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