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Listener in a sentence

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Sentence count:158+3Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: attenderauditorhearerSimilar words: listenlisten toenlistedconsistentconsistentlyenergygenerousgenerateMeaning: ['lɪsnə]  n. someone who listens attentively. 
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31. It will give you the opportunity to discuss your problems with a sympathetic listener.
32. Listener: It sounds like you felt it went very well.
33. To the innocent listener the form must be imperceptible,( and bewildering in its lightning succession of perpetually fugitive events.
34. The ability of a listener to respond appropriately to instructions is heavily dependent on the ability of the instructor to speak plainly.
35. Dear Feedback, it is up to the listener to decide how funny things are and not loutish Mr Baker.
36. They believe music causes less offence to the listener than direct speech.
37. Towards the rector he was a polite listener, a concession to the man's advanced years and his calling.
38. It was played with panache and authority, well controlled throughout yet with poetic feeling; very satisfying to the listener.
39. His last piece does require some effort from the listener, but it's well worth it.
40. Towards the end Miss Servadei suffered several stumbles and a memory lapse, which unsettled this listener.
41. But in speech,( these words are specifically pointed out so that the listener can be in no doubt.
42. People liked her because she was steady, sensible, a good listener.
43. The wisdom about life, and about the dangers which her desires may bring about, is gained by every listener.
44. In the slow passages Cziffra's deep, brooding tone can hold the listener as enthralled as his legendary virtuosity.
45. Seek not only to be understood but to understand-be a good listener.
46. Lady Thatcher never drew breath, while John Major was a good listener.
47. Deronda resents being cast in the role of listener and mentor.
48. This Doppler effect is frequently heard on the ground when a fast-moving ambulance or police car passes the listener.
49. This call for help provokes a specific urgent reaction and interaction in the listener.
50. To listener Glenn Gargas, the report was as stale as moldy bread.
51. In the Collins family, Kevin was not actually told stories about how he, too, was a good listener.
52. At this period Cornford had so separated politics from poetry that he even published a poem in the Listener under a pseudonym.
53. This occurs when the speaker fails to appreciate the differences between speaker and listener.
54. He will be remembered with great affection as a generous host and a good listener.
55. It was their starting-point that was often illogical or arbitrary and threw the listener into confusion.
56. Zach said he was a good listener and that he was a sensitive being.
57. But it never quite works properly, because when the listener instinctively moves his head, the sound rotates as well.
58. At other times a helpful listener can help the woman clarify her concerns and begin to work on resolving them.
59. Later he became the New Yorker's music critic and went on to be music editor of the Listener.
60. We must assume that the density of information packing in spoken language is appropriate for the listener to process comfortably.
More similar words: listenlisten toenlistedconsistentconsistentlyenergygenerousgeneratein generallistgeneration gapjournalistrealisticthe general publicspecialistnaturalistregisterministeradministerstep by stepgenescenebenefitbeneathgeneticawarenesspublishpublisherownerjournalism
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