Synonym: calico, motley, multi-color, multi-colored, multi-colour, multi-coloured, multicolor, multicolored, multicolour, multicoloured, painted, particolored, particoloured, piebald, varicolored, varicoloured. Similar words: occupied, unoccupied, preoccupied, pie, piece, piety, pierce, sapient. Meaning: [paɪd] adj. having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly.
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1. The workers were - pied in building new houses.
2. She pied a galley.
3. People gathered around him like a Pied Piper.
4. For the male pied flycatcher, bigamy is obviously a successful strategy, but it also requires quite complex behavioural adaptations.
5. He's a pied piper of sorts, being somewhat successful in drawing young people to the hate movement.
6. On their arrival at the breeding grounds, male pied flycatchers find a suitable nesting site.
7. The male pied flycatcher is unusual in using deception to achieve his ends.
8. A key adaptation in pied flycatchers, therefore, is the timing of their breeding season.
9. Five pied wagtails landed silently on the white-hot sand on the far side of the square.
10. The mating behaviour of pied flycatchers is immensely complicated and scientists studying them interpret their behaviour slightly differently.
11. How come blackbirds and thrushes and pied wagtails are unaffected?
12. Best believe somebody's pied piper.
13. Best believe somebody's payin the pied piper.
14. You'll feel like the Pied Piper!
15. Tiens ,[] quel petit pied!
16. Steve was in his ultimate pied piper mode, proclaiming how the Mac will change the world and overworking people like mad, with incredible tensions and complex personal relationships.
17. Like the Pied Piper of Hamlin, I would find myself trailed by eight or nine children by my second round of the shopping mall.
18. The most normal and the most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers,gives himself most thoroughly to the world around him,flings himself out into the midst of humanity,and is so preoccu pied by his own beneficent reaction on the world that he is practically unconscious of a sep arate existence...
19. This seasonal decline in reproductive success is yet another factor in the pied flycatcher's bigamous mating system.
20. In Britain the main hosts are the reed warbler, meadow pipit, dunnock and pied wagtail.
20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. The flashy gear turned you, however unwillingly, into a sort of pied piper of Western materialism.
22. They now began to side with the extreme wing of the pied noir integrationist movement, which openly called for his overthrow.
23. The wording of a peace treaty, or an agreement between the people of Hamelin and the Pied Piper.
24. The distinctive black and white summer plumage of the male pied flycatcher.
25. A delightful small black and white bird appeared: a male pied flycatcher.
26. She had already been measured and weighed, and found smaller and lighter than the pied or spotted flycatchers.
27. Cette paire est un peu é troite. Le bout de pied est serr é.
28. When he returns for payment – the villagers won't cough up so the Pied Piper decides to rid the town of children too!
29. One summer day in the Middle Ages, a strange man in multicolored (that is, pied) clothing strode into the German town of Hamelin.
30. Matt Murphy, ornithologist for the Countryside Council for Wales said climate change was affecting the breeding patterns of pied flycatchers living in Welsh oak woodlands.
More similar words: occupied, unoccupied, preoccupied, pie, piece, piety, pierce, sapient, piebald, a piece of, incipient, piercing, sapience, tied, recipient, piece rate, go to pieces, timepiece, allied, tried, dried, tied up, piece together, lie down, bodied, envied, robespierre, photocopier, masterpiece, studied.