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Lexicon in a sentence

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Sentence count:114Posted:2017-03-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: dictionarymental lexiconvocabularySimilar words: MexicandyslexiaflexibleperplexityperplexinginflexioncomplexityflexibilityMeaning: ['leksɪkɑn /-kən]  n. 1. a language user's knowledge of words 2. a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them. 
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(91) This concept is not confined to lexicon ; it is also active on the level of discourse.
(92) Silent earthquakes are only just beginning to enter the public lexicon.
(93) So it is very important to know the organization of the mental lexicon so as to provide guidance for our bilingual dictionary compilation.
(94) This paper attempts to apply the mental lexicon to the compilation of thesaurus.
(95) Alkali, algorithm, alembic, and almanac entered the English lexicon about the same time.
(96) Gets the collection of lexicon file locations that are used for custom spelling checkers on a specified text-editing control.
(97) This paper makes an analysis of the cohesive errors in Chinese students' English writing, mainly from the perspectives of grammar, lexicon, logical connectors, and textual expressive style.
(98) The article describes the methodological considerations reviewed in terms of Lexicon Grammar in connection with the structural linguistics in the age of computer.
(99) The dissertation is attemptable study on the lexicon of Notes on Book of Water.
(100) To represent this organization of one's mental lexicon, the lexical semantic network is so far the most satisfactory model.
(101) From the sociolinguistic point of view, this paper analyses the manifestation of sex differentiation in pronunciation, intonation, lexicon and sentence structure and the causes.
(102) You are then a translator, without a lexicon, without notes. . . You have then to give voice to the hearts of men, and you can do it only so far as you have known them, loved them.
(103) Again according to the Lexicon, Bill was born in 1970.
(104) The upshot of this is that a new phrase has entered the criminological lexicon: the “CSI effect” after shows such as “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”.
(105) Beyond these words,( two-thirds of this lexicon now consists of words that are transparent compounds of separate logogram words.
(106) Hence, the lexicon of the Black English is determined by Black culture.
(107) When translating, the translator plays an essential role in the determination of the TL mental lexicon.
(108) The dissertation is the attemptable study on the lexicon of Notes on Book of Water.
(109) The study of bilingual mental lexicon has now been a major concern in second language acquisition and psycholinguistic research.
(110) Chapter 2 argues the designing of XMGEN deeply, including system structure, interlingua, word selection, generation lexicon, generation strategy, generation procedure and generation rules.
(111) Some fades quickly, but some becomes a part of the national lexicon.
(112) First, it uses the lexicon tree, which saves the static storage space and increases the dynamic speed in finding words from syllable sequences.
(113) But they don't have to, as many English letters have become part of the local lexicon.
(114) In the Arab lexicon, the concept of justice means more than democracy.
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