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121. The United Nations is resuming a diplomatic effort that has lain dormant for almost two decades.
122. Kami akan mengembangkan nada lain dan juga penggunaan dua tangan.
123. The microorganisms had lain dormant since the Eocene epoch, a time when Australia split off from Antarctica and modern mammals first appeared.
124. The odd chill that had lain over Privet Drive for two weeks persisted here too.
125. But she did not forget her harlotry with the Egyptians who had lain with her and poured their lust on her from the time of her youth.
126. They could have lain down on the ground and done that if they had wanted to.
127. Good technical reserve has lain a good foundation for the rapid development of our company.
128. T-Bag swings his shovel in the hole while the rest of the men pour the concrete rubble behind the newly lain sheetrock.
129. Her sense of Mrs Penniman's innocent falsity, which had lain dormant, began to haunt her again.