Synonym: hypochondriasis. Similar words: chondrogenesis, hypocrite, hypocrisy, hypocritical, hypothesis, hypothesize, hypothetical, hypothetically. Meaning: [‚haɪpəʊ'kɑndrɪə / -'kɒn-] n. chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments.
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1 Even so, collective hypochondria grips the nation.
2 It shows frequent symptoms of hypochondria and neurasthenia.
3 Later she heard that her virulent hypochondria had turned into real illness.
4 The endemic hypochondria of the Texans was milked by a plethora of expensive clinics which most of them attended.
5 Hypochondria is actually the commonest killer of the lot,[] when transferred from the human condition to one's pets.
6 She didn't have time to deal with hypochondria, even mild cases such as his.
7 It covers his hypochondria, paranoia and fears about his own sanity.
8 Objective:Toobservetheeffect of granuleforrelieving worriment on treating hypochondria.
9 The chondira part of hypochondria means "cartilage."
10 Hypochondria is the only illness that I don't have.
11 Nor does he always locate his case studies fully within the history of ideas; he does not quite explain, for example, why the seat of "hypochondria" moved from the bowels to the brain.
12 People with hypochondria resemble those with OCD: They worry excessively and feel compelled to do something, like visit the doctor over and over.
13 It seems that for some sufferers hypochondria is a way of guaranteeing inviolable privacy; consider Proust laboring in his cork-lined room.
14 We tend to think of hypochondria as a kind of selfishness.
15 His biographers have conjectured that Hughes's hypochondria began in childhood, with his mother's excessive concern for his health.
16 So hypochondria really meant the soft tissues and organs that lay beneath your ribs and sternum.
17 In the 18th century, hypochondria became almost fashionable, and was thought to be a symptom of excess luxury and ease.
18 Depressive hypochondria can evolve into a serious delusional type in which the person is convinced of the disorder and has no insight into the irrationality of her fears. She is at risk for suicide.
19 Students mocked him for his hypochondria and his habit of keeping one arm elevated to hide a perceived discrepancy in the length of his limbs.
20 For the Greeks, hypochondria had been an unambiguous disease, located in the "hypochondrium" region of the abdomen.
21 Sometimes I thought I caught the hypochondria. Because when I was alone, especially at night, I felt anguished.
22 I thought the doctor was going to accuse me of hypochondria.
23 But it was not long before symptoms of the hypochondria which had always been present showed themselves in strength.
24 I would suggest that Bernard Dixon, and any other hypochondria sufferers, try the prescription.
25 It is the sheer variety of its manifestations that makes hypochondria such an interesting complaint.
26 Doctors in Britain long suspected that patients who wear tinted abnormally prone to depression and hypochondria.
27 The 81 year-old actor talked to Reuters about giving interviews, his book and hypochondria.
28 In one of his last letters White defends his hypochondria: "I don't regret the time I spent worrying about myself.
29 On examination the main physical sign is tenderness in the epigastrium or right hypochondria , but between attacks this may be absent.
30 Dillon, however, seems to tiptoe around the issue, as if afraid either to offer his own thesis or to establish his own workable definition of hypochondria.
More similar words: chondrogenesis, hypocrite, hypocrisy, hypocritical, hypothesis, hypothesize, hypothetical, hypothetically, touch on, catch on, switch on, brooch, parochial, microchip, pocketbook, apocryphal, apocalypse, monochrome, hyper, hype, sundry, monochromatic, photochemistry, kindred, laundry, hundred, syndrome, scoundrel, conundrum, hindrance.