Synonym: burning, busy, exciting, feverish, frantic, heated, hot, moving, stirring. Similar words: apoplectic, hector, electromagnetic spectrum, section, rectify, tactic, election, didactic. Meaning: ['hektɪk] adj. marked by intense agitation or emotion.
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61. After the hectic activity of summer, I look forward to doing more relaxed boating and fishing trips in early autumn.
62. If you live a fast, hectic life and you eat mostly ready-made convenience foods, try to consider some other alternatives.
63. Jaguar had a a hectic session, with one market maker briefly quoting 1,200p after seemingly misunderstanding a transatlantic message.
64. Quiet introspection can be extremely valuable, especially for people who lead busy, hectic lives and spend little time alone.
65. Despite his increasingly hectic schedule, Haden graciously took time out to be interviewed about the Quartet and the Jazzfest tour.
66. The game was played at a hectic pace with chances at both ends right to the final whistle.
67. When I was a young houseman I - well, enjoyed a hectic love-life.
68. Life was terribly hectic in the city, she thought, all hustle and bustle.
69. A 12,000 mile return trip to the States, plus another 1,500 miles or road travel dictated a hectic computing schedule.
70. Read in studio A promotion-chasing football team has taken the day off from a hectic training schedule to record a pop song.
71. Fitting in with her hectic social agenda I was most conveniently dropped off and picked up by car.
72. Well ... it looked as if tomorrow might be a very hectic day indeed.
73. By waiting until the last minute, donors can sometimes escape attention in the hectic time before an election.
74. During the month of hectic packing and training at Fort Benning, I barely knew who they were.
75. There are two hundred guests arriving in one hour! That's why things are so hectic!
76. The Navy has spent several hectic days examining the wayward bombs.
77. The campaign was snowballing and life was getting increasingly hectic.
78. But Menem later reacted with displeasure to a Vanity Fair article by Madonna in which she recounted the hectic process of filming.
79. In the opening 250 race Robert Dunlop stayed well clear of a hectic battle for second place behind him.
80. I know you have a hectic schedule, but could you pick something up for me on your way home?
81. In foreign affairs, 1966 and 1967 were perhaps the most hectic years of his presidency.
82. The job can be particularly hectic for front office managers around check-in and check-out time.
83. When I was a young houseman I - well, enjoyed a hectic love-life. Lord knows how I managed it.
84. Friday, the last morning was hectic with everyone trying to pack, cook and eat breakfast and clear up.
85. With the birth less than six weeks away, Jacqui is juggling a hectic schedule between work and planning for the new arrival.
86. A solution presents itself: the book will not yield to the hectic temptations, the seductions of the fevered imagination.
87. Peter Hall directs all this at a hectic pace around Carl Toms's lavish set.
88. I know we all enjoyed every minute of the three hectic months.
89. Or, should they be slowing down because sooner or later their hectic pace will do them in?
90. The hectic flush on Isabel's face gradually faded as she watched fitzAlan leave.
More similar words: apoplectic, hector, electromagnetic spectrum, section, rectify, tactic, election, didactic, effective, invective, subjective, affection, directing, objection, detective, rectitude, selection, infection, objective, direction, practice, collective, protection, inspection, protective, perspective, reflection, projection, convection, respective.