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Stepmother in a sentence

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Sentence count:70+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: step by stepstepmothmotherstepssmotherin stepstep upMeaning: n. the wife of your father by a subsequent marriage. 
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1. Fortune to one is mother, to another is stepmother
2. She feared losing her inheritance to her stepmother.
3. My stepmother was in her element, organizing everything.
4. They learned to accept their stepmother in time.
5. Her stepmother showed her nothing but cruelty.
6. When she married Tom, she became stepmother to his child.
7. She renounced her stepmother.
8. As a stepmother, don't even try to compete with the children's mother for their love.
9. This time the stepmother locked the door.
10. Her stepmother was a treacherous[], selfish woman.
11. She was never very close to her stepmother.
12. His stepmother told him to hurry up.
13. She continued to shake her stepmother, screaming in her rage.
14. One of them, Merovech, attempted to outwit his stepmother by marrying Sigibert's widow, Brunhild.
15. They had to explain to their stepmother Rose what Monaghan Day was.
16. Nor had she wanted stepmother status any more than any rational person might.
17. On a conscious level, the evilness of stepmother and stepsisters is sufficient explanation for what happens to Cinderella.
18. Stepmother Edna pretended that no problem existed, washing out the blood from my clothes with astounding tolerance.
19. In "The Young Slave" the jealous stepmother turns the main character into a slave, hence the story's title.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. The first time Stepmother Edna hit me I was convinced it was a mistake and waited dumbly for an apology.
21. The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which the stepmother had treated the girl.
22. Would their discussion result in his agreement to visit his stepmother?
23. He raced to pick up the lifejackets while his stepmother sent out a Mayday call.
24. He was not pleased that he felt oddly fearful, like a child in a tale of a wicked stepmother.
25. No wonder Profit ended up sleeping with his drug-addicted stepmother, chaining his father to a bed and setting him on fire.
26. But the fire from its eyes darted out and burned the stepmother and step sisters to cinders.
27. One time the father was away on business, and the stepmother went out to a harvest festival.
28. Another aspect which holds large appeal for the child is the vileness of the stepmother and stepsisters.
29. Jean had come to New York with his father and stepmother, but he and the stepmother had been at daggers drawn.
30. I began staring at mirrors, wondering what it was in my face that made Stepmother Edna so violent, so angry.
More similar words: step by stepstepmothmotherstepssmotherin stepstep upstep insteppedmotherlandmammothmotheringgrandmothertoothpastetepidprivate propertymottomotorremotedemotemotivemotionemotionmotorwaypromotemotivatecommotionmotivatedemotional
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