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Gracious in a sentence

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Sentence count:137+11Posted:2017-02-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: clementcordialfriendlygenerousgoodhospitablekindlymercifulniceobligingpleasantpoliterespectfulsympatheticwarmheartedAntonym: ungraciousSimilar words: voraciousvoraciouslyspaciousaudaciousvivaciousrapacioussagacioussalaciousMeaning: ['greɪʃəs]  adj. 1. characterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit 2. characterized by kindness and warm courtesy especially of a king to his subjects 3. exhibiting courtesy and politeness 4. disposed to bestow favors. 
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(31) This should be a gracious and most enjoyable evening.
(32) She is gracious and talented, and no one begrudged her good fortune.
(33) It faces out toward Dodge Hall, across gracious grounds of hedged walks and great plane trees.
(34) Given the classy surroundings and gracious service, these prices are a steal.
(35) Bedrooms are tastefully furnished and combine all modern comforts and facilities with the gracious style of a Tyrolean hunting lodge.
(36) Number forty-seven was a huge red-brick house in gracious grounds[], with a double garage and parking space for three more cars.
(37) He had just won her gracious consent to attend the Grand Duke Igor's masked ball in two weeks' time.
(38) But never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I say, be gracious and accept this delightful offering.
(39) Leopold wrote: Her Majesty the Empress was very gracious to us, but that was all.
(40) There are significant and eloquent omissions from the Gracious Speech.
(41) A hotel as famous for its colonial traditions and gracious lifestyle as for its modern amenities.
(42) Goodness gracious, I thought he was changing your shift schedule!
(43) Meanwhile, left, battling Wedgwood Barlaston manage to smile in gracious defeat.
(44) The Government make commitments in the Gracious Speech in which there is no substance.
(45) An air of gracious living and elegance combines with all modern facilities.
(46) Not especially gracious, but squat and workmanlike,[] plodding with tenacity from port to port.
(47) Therefore, I welcome the passages in the Gracious Speech that promise an asylum Bill to introduce these reforms.
(48) The next stage in that process has been a Gracious Speech full of apologies.
(49) The music building is a structure with simple but gracious ornament.
(50) If you would like to combine gracious living with an exciting job then your application to Humberside would be most welcome.
(51) He was so incredibly gracious in defeat, heaping praise upon Olson and the Arizona players.
(52) The proposals in this Gracious Speech are either irrelevant or positively damaging to the raising of school standards.
(53) If you want to learn writing from the gracious mountaintop, go elsewhere.
(54) He was quite gracious instead, thanking us for taking the trouble to discuss our grievances with him.
(55) Of our initial 20 rather withered carnations, 18 were carried off into the distance by bewildered or gracious lasses.
(56) The building in front of him was so gracious, so unbelievably big, so grand, so beautiful whether by night or day.
(57) Wooden posts supported a tin roof Most people at Holy Trinity had dined in more gracious picnic shelters.
(58) Physically attractive and possessed of considerable personal charm, his demeanour was self-effacing, gracious and polite.
(59) Symbols of gracious living or memories of childhood dreams, popular prints allowed for vicarious experience.
(60) I'd turn from gruesome Gilly into gorgeous, gracious, good, glorious Galadriel.
More similar words: voraciousvoraciouslyspaciousaudaciousvivaciousrapacioussagacioussalaciouscapaciousfallaciousmendaciousloquaciouspugnaciousperspicaciousviciousspeciouspreciousofficiousperniciousdeliciousconsciousferociousatrociousjudiciousmalicioussuspiciousprecociouscapriciousunconscioussubconscious
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