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Rationed in a sentence

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Sentence count:51+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: ratificationgratificationself-gratificationrationorationoperationrationaldurationMeaning: ['reɪʃn /'ræʃn]  adj. distributed equitably in limited individual portions. 
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1, Cotton and cloth are being rationed out now.
2, People were rationed to one egg a week.
3, Tea and sugar were scarce and were rationed during the war.
4, Old women were rationed to 14 kilograms of grain a month.
5, He rationed himself to 4 cigarettes a day.
6, Ann rationed out the cake between the children.
7, Eggs were rationed during the war.
8, We were rationed to two eggs a day.
9, The government rationed food to the public in wartime.
10, Bread was rationed to one loaf per family.
11, Sugar was rationed to 1 kg. per family.
12, These foods had to be strictly rationed.
13, Fuel was rationed during the war.
14, The captain rationed the remaining water out among the shipwrecked passengers.
15, Do you remember when petrol was rationed to five gallons a week?
16, The soldiers were rationed to one litre of water each per day.
17, The villagers are rationed to two litres of water a day.
18, Motorists will be rationed to thirty litres of petrol a month.
19, Food had to be rationed when the war was on.
20, Cigarettes were rationed at thirty-five a week.
21, Sugar,[]( cooking oil and rice will also be rationed.
22, Petrol was so strictly rationed in wartime that bikes were always in demand.
23, Tea, margarine and cooking fat were rationed to 2 ozs per week.
24, The coaches stunk of coal smoke and rationed tobacco and rationed booze and the farts of people eating wartime food.
25, All high cost drugs are already rationed in hospitals through drug and therapeutics committees and clinical pharmacy services.
26, Staples such as bread, rice and tea are already being rationed.
27, But times had changed since 1898; wartime regulations had rationed liquor purchases to one bottle per month per customer.
28, By the time I'd recovered I was skinnier than ever, having been rationed to an orange a day.
29, Then as we began to sip our drinks I would offer Loi half of my single, carefully rationed, biscuit.
30, It was seven miles away and petrol was still rationed.
More similar words: ratificationgratificationself-gratificationrationorationoperationrationaldurationrationingadorationmigrationdecorationirrationalfederationreparationdesperationlacerationliberationseparationmaturationaspirationgenerationadmirationvenerationAND operationaberrationemigrationfrustrationdehydrationpreparation
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