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Go in for in a sentence

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Sentence count:55+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: go intoongoinginformin forceinformalreinforceinformationunfold
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1. They go in for tennis and bowls.
2. I go in for stamp collecting and judo.
3. Are you planning to go in for the 100 metres race?
4. They wanted me to go in for film work.
5. Many people go in for golf.
6. I go in for all the competitions.
7. I don't go in for public displays of affection.
8. I suppose I could go in for advertising.
9. His brother doesn't go in for sports.
10. I go in for judo.
11. She doesn't go in for team games.
12. He should go in for accounting because he has a good head for figures.
13. This is not a hobby you should go in for unless you have plenty of money.
14. Young people should never simply go in for material comforts.
15. I don't go in for serious boyfriends.
16. They go in for querulous and disputatious argument.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. Should she go in for a drink?
18. But the troops will only go in for humanitarian reasons including the protection of supplies.
19. Those who go in for character assassination create human conflicts and can easily end up as victims.
20. And I don't go in for those terrible exercises that some theatrical actors swear by.
21. New York drug dealers seem to go in for sophisticated marketing ploys.
22. Some branches go in for quite lavish posters[], some make do with local draughtsmanship.
23. Let's see how you rate in that area. What do you think we go in for, here in Perugia?
24. When Harry and Kate make love, which is frequently, they go in for lots of lighted candles.
25. Some females are firm in monogamy, but many more go in for manifold males.
26. Even when I arrived back at Thornfield, I did not go in for a while.
27. Veronica's father was Lord Somebody-or-other, she reminded herself, and didn't the aristocracy go in for rather grand affairs?
28. I voted for this government because they said they weren't going to go in for that sort of rubbish.
29. Van Orton, the super-controlled business man, is not the type to go in for bungee jumping.
30. I've only known you a few days Luke, and I don't go in for casual sex.
More similar words: go intoongoinginformin forceinformalreinforceinformationunfoldenforceon footcoinjoinjointpointdesign forenjoinjoin ininfantin factin fullappointpoint topoint outenforcementin return forin futurein point ofto the pointinfectionin front of
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