Synonym: pace, step, stride, walk. Similar words: gain, ait, again, wait, regain, gaiety, faith, await. Meaning: [geɪt]
n. 1. the rate of moving (especially walking or running) 2. a horse's manner of moving 3. a person's manner of walking.
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1. He walked with a slow stiff gait.
2. He walked with an awkward gait like a penguin.
3. She has a mincing gait.
4. He walked with a rolling gait.
5. His movements were clumsy, and his gait peculiarly awkward.
6. His easy gait shows self-confidence.
7. He moves with the slow confident gait of a successful man.
8. The pony's gait slowed from a canter to a trot.
9. His gangling, awkward gait has earned him the name Spiderman.
10. His gait is slow and he tires easily.
11. Gait disorders follow from defects in these control systems.
12. His hangdog gait belied his real attitude.
13. Gait pigeon-like, rather tripping, with short waddling steps.
14. Gait jerky, with tail often flirted, legs dangling in flight.
15. Melanie walked with the slightly awkward gait of a very tall person.
16. He walked with a lilting gait, his left Achilles tendon apparently shortened, pulling his left heel up.
17. Since dress, gait and table manners instantly distinguish social rank, all over the world, why not speech as well?
18. With a gawky, clunky gait Magic lurches slowly across the yard.
19. In this gait, he conveys the impression of strength, endurance and determination.
20. The gait may be histrionic with the degree of dysfunction varying in different situations.
21. Who can forget the rage, the gait, the spike jammed into the fringed brow, the smoldering eyes?
22. Important in the control of gait is the afferent input of the sensory nerves.
23. A gait ill-suited to some one of his size and girth.
24. He pretended to his family and friends that his doddering gait was due to old soccer injuries.
25. In its least specific form there is a nondescript clumsiness of gait.
26. The outward rolling of the forefoot which occurs during the gait cycle.
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27. As he unsmilingly pads the pavement with a mean rolling gait Ghost Dog gets respect from everyone on the street.
28. He was round and fat, he had an energetic gait, a bright, lively face, and laughing eyes.
29. The woman was slightly fat, with loose sallow skin and a slow and uneven gait.
30. Later in the course of the disease, people may develop clumsy gait, memory loss and speech difficulties.
More similar words: gain, ait, again, wait, regain, gaiety, faith, await, trait, bargain, against, wait for, wraith, wait on, ungainly, maitre d', traitor, now and again, awaiting, faithful, portrait, waitress, all over again, straitened, dire straits, fight against, waiting room, bougainvillea, struggle against, hope against hope.