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Extracted in a sentence

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Sentence count:246+9Posted:2017-04-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: extractextractionextractingprotracteddistractedlyabstractedlyextraextraneous
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181. The seeds and latex (milky sap) extracted from green capsules, however, have sedative, tranquilizing, antispasmodic, and hypnotic properties.
182. Methods The total indole alkaloid was extracted after the calli were treated with fungal elicitors. Then, the determination of ajmalicine and catharanthine was carried out by RP HPLC.
183. We put forward technical and methods of the right abdomen tilted of operate, three needles and two lines ways for fixed of abomasum, decompress of rumen, extracted of stomach eyewinker and so on.
184. The pepsin soluble collagen was extracted by pepsin hydrolysis of theof the sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus.
185. Finally the main function codes are extracted to simplify the protocol and to enhance the performance of the controller.
186. Then after amplitude limiting, to be preamplified, demodulated, bandpass filtered, the doppler frequency shift signal is extracted.
187. With Trifolium repens L. as the material, the essential oils was extracted from its bud, full and downfall flowers, and the volatile components in it were analyzed with GC/MS/DS.
188. Based on the D8 algorithm, the catchments in Zhongdian area can be extracted in GIS, and the result is similar to that obtained from the drawn geographical map.
189. Plasmids were extracted from 76 clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis with alkaline bacteriolytic methods.
190. Red Radish Pigment was extracted from red-core Radish and then refined to purple-red pigment powder.
191. Extracted ion chromatograms for protein chromatography based on peptide elution were generated.
192. New pure natural tea green pigmentsodium zinc chlorophyllin was extracted from low grade tea and waste tea, and its stability was investigated.
193. Stevioside is a novel sweeter which is extracted from stevia leaves,( and the stevioside in the stevia leaves mainly comprises two components of stevioside and rebaudioside A.
194. The blend treated mechanically was extracted by xylon and aceton one by one.
195. Aluminum-silicon composite ultra-fine fume is a fume mineral additive with utility model patent, which won Fume Mineral Admixtures Extracted from Corundum Soot and Production of Synthetic Potash.
196. Methods: The naphtha in Alpinia officinarum Hance was extracted and analyzed by GC to establish the fingerprint spectrum.
197. In this paper, mucopolysaccharide in shark cartilage was extracted and separated and the optimum extraction scheme.
198. The main artery centerlines are first extracted from two successive images and then the motion parameters of artery and related epicardium are computed along these centerlines.
199. The matched filter outputs consist of the signal space spanned by the users channel vector and the centers of the sets are extracted by clustering procedure.
200. Pumpkin seed oil was extracted by ultrasound method. The optimal ultrasound-assisted extraction processing conditions were explored by single-factor and orthogonal experiments.
201. If events are extracted immediately after the Tk mouse is pressed on Submit, the mouse-down event (and subsequent release event) will not be picked up by the cnee program.
202. Iron is extracted from iron ore by heating the ore with coke and limestone.
203. The quinones in stem of Plumbago zeyanica L. was extracted by steam distillation, and the content of plumbagin in the quinones was determined.
204. hominid3This curious sequence was extracted from a piece of finger bone unearthed in 2008 at Denisova Cave in southern Siberia’s Altai Mountains.
205. DNA from fecal and blood samples contaminated artificially at different concentration of L. monocytogenes were extracted and tested by real-time PCR.
206. Host: Is the fluid routinely extracted during pre - natal tests?
207. At present, it is mainly extracted from Dracaena draco linn.
208. After reduction , manganese is extracted by sulfuric acid and high purity manganese carbonate is obtained after impurity removal from the solution and reaction with ammonium carbonate.
209. In this paper, Tartrazine, Pocean 4R and Brilliant Blue were extracted by polyamide from puffed food , then fulled in the injector.
210. The new application EAR is extracted in the install destination directory.
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