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Leakage in a sentence

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Sentence count:186+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: escapeleakoutflowSimilar words: break awayunspeakablepackageblockagepackage tourthe dark agesbleakmileageMeaning: ['lɪːkɪdʒ]  n. the unwanted discharge of a fluid from some container. 
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(1) A leakage of kerosene has polluted water supplies.
(2) It's high time this leakage of information was put a stop to.
(3) Check bottles for leakage before use.
(4) The leakage of technological secrets is reaching alarming proportions.
(5) It should be possible to reduce leakage from pipes.
(6) A lot of water is wasted through leakage.
(7) The consequences of the radioactive leakage may not become apparent for a generation or more.
(8) The leakage was traced to an oil pipe in the cellar.
(9) Leakage occurred with equal frequency in both groups.
(10) A clot had formed from leakage.
(11) Leakage at the lock gates and sluices. 4.
(12) This is caused by the leakage of conjugated bilirubin from damaged parenchymal cells into the sinusoids.
(13) There was no case of leakage and several of the boats were still afloat month after being cast adrift.
(14) The high incidence of biliary leakage could not be easily explained.
(15) High strength(, prevent loosening and leakage of threaded fasteners.
(16) a leakage of toxic waste into the sea.
(17) Feed enough water and block the air leakage.
(18) To ensure low leakage current and low dielectric absorption, the feed back capacitor should be made of a suitable dielectric material such as poly styrene, polypropylene, or Teflon.
(19) This paper analyzes the reason producing surface leakage current of high resistivity detector, and adopts guard ring to reduce the leakage current.
(20) Large areas of land have been contaminated by the leakage from the nuclear reactor.
(21) So, if you are experiencing this problem[Sentencedict], check for voltage leakage from every possible source.
(22) Mosfet Q6 avalanches repetitively and absorbs the energy stored in the leakage inductance of the coil.
(23) The disadvantages are that the batteries are inconvenient to change and severe battery leakage can be disastrous to the circuit board.
(24) The rain had finished, leaving in its wake a vast, permeating leakage, the river noise of runoff.
(25) First flight was scheduled for December 1963 but due to fuel tank leakage the programme fell well behind schedule.
(26) The monitor has four lamps which indicate levels of energy leakage, and an alarm sounds if hazardous levels are found.
(27) Conoco also preferred the Descote valve because of its low maintenance requirements and because its design minimises the possibility of leakage.
(28) Meanwhile, cover the outside of the prepared springform pan with aluminum foil to prevent water leakage during the baking.
(29) Objective To verify the effect of Evans blue dye on determining the retina blood vessel leakage.
(30) An image - reconstruction system is presented here using electromagnetic leakage from video display unit.
More similar words: break awayunspeakablepackageblockagepackage tourthe dark agesbleakmileagepeakweakbeakbreakfreakwreakspeaksteaksneakweakenfreakystreakbespeakoutbreakspeak forbreak offbreak inspeak upspeak outbreak outspeakerbreak up
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