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Excess in a sentence

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Sentence count:274+25Posted:2016-09-08Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: additionalextrasurplusSimilar words: excessivein excess ofexceedexcept forexceptionaccessprocessrecessionMeaning: [ɪk'ses]  n. 1. a quantity much larger than is needed 2. immoderation as a consequence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits 3. the state of being more than full 4. excessive indulgence. adj. more than is needed, desired, or required. 
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(241) Whether or not the employer should pay the excess for a more expensive substitution depends on the circumstances of the case.
(242) Dumping of excess inventory by some manufacturers has exacerbated the problem.
(243) And psychically speaking, I can't help feeling they carry a little too much excess baggage.
(244) Remove the mince, drain off any excess fat through a colander or sieve and wipe the pan or wok.
(245) It thus tackles head on the problem of excess or deficient aggregate demand.
(246) According to company secretary Lawrence Bland, the aim was to get rid of excess capacity.
(247) The latest model is capable of attaining speeds in excess of 300 kph.
(248) Trim off excess icing around the base. Cover the round cake with white icing.
(249) He admitted driving with excess alcohol but said he shouldn't be banned.
(250) If the discount exceeds 20 percent, the excess amount of the discount allowed is considered a taxable wage.
(251) Remove excess hair around the ear canal, as this tend to collect wax and restrict fresh air.
(252) Like that other Magister this aircraft is supposed to have an odd, unpleasant nose-down pitching diversion with excess sideslip.
(253) Excess vitamin D can cause kidney damage in young children.
(254) Those contributions are normally in excess of those paid by employees.
(255) There was also an excess of endometrial and thyroid cancers.
(256) The authors thus concluded that the excess mortality noted for gastric cancer was probably related to socioeconomic class rather than coal mining.
(257) Prof Baker said he was particularly concerned about 236 excess deaths of patients in their own homes or Shipman's surgery.
(258) Many science teachers already have classes in excess of 25 pupils.
(259) It has also introduced excess payments for when goods are stolen from people's cars.
(259) Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
(260) This is a very considerable increase, well in excess of the rate of inflation.
(261) And who can blame them if, after all, the right to keep 1,000 ewes is worth in excess of £40,000.
(262) The growth of a population results from the excess of births over deaths as well as the movement of people between regions or countries.
(263) The fried bread surrounding the bacon in the hot plate was simply to create effect and mop up the excess fat.
(264) Valve positions after excess pressure has been vented.
(265) The unusual exothermal transformation of nacre aragonite to calcite is perhaps resulted from the stored excess enthalpy in nanometer-size aragonite of nacre.
(266) The excess could be siphoned off or removed with a pipette.
(267) o Eliminate excess noise and slow down the pace of your family life so that you and the kids are not frazzled all the time.
(268) Self-generated goodwill is the intangible resources accumulated in operation by a firm for which it need not make a lump sum payment and which enables it to obtain future excess profits.
(269) However, Watts offers several solutions to help you relieve excess pressure due to thermal expansion.
(270) Finally, brings forward suggestions and countermeasures of a vicious spiral of duplicate construction and excess capacity.
More similar words: excessivein excess ofexceedexcept forexceptionaccessprocessrecessionprocessorprocessingaccessiblesuccessfullyancestorgo to piecesexcitedexcludeexcuse meexcitingexchangeexclusiveexcludingexcitementexclusivelysocial servicesin exchange forlessessaymesspressbless
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