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Excess in a sentence

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Sentence count:274+25Posted:2016-09-08Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: additionalextrasurplusSimilar words: excessivein excess ofexceedexcept forexceptionaccessprocessrecessionMeaning: [ɪk'ses]  n. 1. a quantity much larger than is needed 2. immoderation as a consequence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits 3. the state of being more than full 4. excessive indulgence. adj. more than is needed, desired, or required. 
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(211) Rather than being balanced throughout, they have spots of excess negative or positive charge.
(212) The excess should be deducted from the loss and then payment will be made up to the policy limit where applicable.
(213) If those damages exceeded the policy limits, the motorist could sue the other party for the excess.
(214) With excess capacity and falling profits, firms are likely to cut their investment plans this year.
(215) The full amount of excess travelling expenses can be reclaimed.
(216) His fortune, conservatively estimated in excess of a hundred million dollars, had come intact to his beloved daughter, Louise.
(217) The farmer may castrate the excess bulls, creating steers, or slaughter them.
(218) Some of the excess chloride ions in the lumen are exchanged for bicarbonate ions at the surface of the epithelium.
(219) The excess pounds had given him a double chin and a neck that made his shirt collar look too tight.
(220) The clinical symptoms of magnesium excess or deficiency can be demonstrated to relate to this dependence.
(221) But it's also a story of ecological disaster and man's excess.
(222) The AFL-CIO also has spent in excess of $ 10 million to organize its election-year drive.
(223) Analysts said the region has 10 percent, or 1. 43 million barrels a day, excess refining capacity.
(224) To keep a balance of atmosphere, excess carbon dioxide needed to be removed by chemical filters.
(225) In 1994 the world was awash in excess production capacity.
(226) They have, in effect, invested in excess capacity, though whether this was deliberate or accidental is harder to judge.
(227) The excess fuel cools the engine - acceptable for short periods in the climb but inefficient and expensive for extended cruise.
(228) Such a large amount of excess capacity must severely impair the effective functioning of the accelerator.
(229) On the other hand Marsh did find that there was a statistically significant drop in the excess returns after 1968.
(229) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(230) The director earns an annual salary in excess of $100,000.
(231) These have parallel sides and an auger along which the excess wood escapes.
(232) For claims in respect of other sections of the policy an excess per person should be deducted, if applicable.
(233) Irwin admitted he often used alcohol and drugs to excess.
(234) It is best therefore to err on the quiet side and to use percussion sparingly rather than to excess.
(235) Altogether, the totals are greatly in excess of available funds.
(236) To pile up the runs you must get over 40 with three darts - any excess is added to your score.
(237) Pavlov's allegations contradicted earlier official statements which portrayed the currency confiscation as an attack on black marketeers and excess money supply.
(238) There are wetlands, too, glittering with dragonfly and edged with boundary oaks in excess of 400 years old.
(239) In this case the theoretical yield is calculated from the amount of reactant which is not used in excess.
(240) In August 1998, the company was reported to have had annual revenues in excess of $ 100 million.
More similar words: excessivein excess ofexceedexcept forexceptionaccessprocessrecessionprocessorprocessingaccessiblesuccessfullyancestorgo to piecesexcitedexcludeexcuse meexcitingexchangeexclusiveexcludingexcitementexclusivelysocial servicesin exchange forlessessaymesspressbless
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