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Mohawk in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2017-02-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tomahawkshawlawkwardhawthornawkwardnessMeaning: ['məʊ'hɔːk]  n. 1. a member of the Iroquoian people formerly living along the Mohawk River in New York state 2. the Iroquoian language spoken by the Mohawk. 
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1. One man now sports a mohawk whitened with peroxide.
2. The ultimate fate of the Mohawks is even sadder.
3. In the resulting confrontation several hundred Mohawks armed with clubs and guns fought running battles with police.
4. GIANT-killing basketball stars the Middlesbrough Mohawks walked tall when they met the town's mayor.
5. Middlesbrough Mohawks travel to second-placed Oldham today as they bid to retain their eighth place in the league.
6. You are not getting a mohawk!
7. Mom: Alright! Enough already! You can get a mohawk!
8. And one part of Corey is definitely the mohawk.
9. You can always chop off the mohawk later and convert it into a nice buzz cut.
10. A kindergarten student with a freshly spiked Mohawk has been suspended from school.
11. Taking advantage of the Mohawk River gap in the Appalachian Mountains, the Erie Canal, 363 miles long, was the first canal in the United States to connect western waterways with the Atlantic Ocean.
12. Anton: He's got a green Mohawk and he has dyed his beard white.
13. The Mohawk style originates from a tribe of Native Americans called the Mohawk by white settlers.
14. A city of central New York on the Mohawk River west - northwest of Utica.
15. Why did they choose to get the Mohawk as well?
16. He bought land on the Mohawk River in upstate Oneida County,[] where he eventually retired.
17. Pierced ears, noses or eyelids, purple hair, long hair, no hair or a mohawk.
18. Then there was the big guy with the bright red mohawk.
19. There is no sign of an end to the stand-off between Mohawk Indians and the Quebec provincial police.
20. I saw a couple of guys on your team. How many guys actually rocked the Mohawk?
21. This troll has blue - white skin under grayish leather armor and he sports a red mohawk.Sentencedict
22. "Pocahontas was not romantically involved with John Smith, " said John Mohawk, the director of indigenous studies at the State University of New York at Buffalo.
23. Kindu recently graduated with an associate's degree from Morrisville State College, and Phil is at Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica.
24. The last day was spent reviewing and using the Mohawk Professional Leather line of products.
More similar words: tomahawkshawlawkwardhawthornawkwardness
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