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Eccentricity in a sentence

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Sentence count:87+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-04-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: eccentricelectricitygeocentricegocentricethnocentricheliocentrichydroelectricitylubricityMeaning: [‚eksen'trɪsətɪ]  n. 1. strange and unconventional behavior 2. (geometry) a ratio describing the shape of a conic section; the ratio of the distance between the foci to the length of the major axis 3. a circularity that has a different center or deviates from a circular path. 
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1 As a teacher, she had a reputation for eccentricity.
2 Arthur was noted for the eccentricity of his clothes.
3 Kate's mother had a reputation for eccentricity.
4 She is unusual to the point of eccentricity.
5 He soon exhibited signs of eccentricity.
6 His eccentricity now extends to never washing or changing his clothes.
7 Britain's eccentricity is not entirely harmless.
8 They were both unconventional to the point of eccentricity.
9 The bluestocking pair dispensed eccentricity and cheer.
10 Halley's comet has an eccentricity of about 0.9675 permitting it to visit us every 76 years.
11 There was a grotesque inventiveness,[] a deliberate eccentricity in the idea of the cuckoo clock that Melanie had never encountered.
12 She often witnessed his eccentricity in full flow at the customers who came into his antiques shop.
13 They were both unconventional to the point of eccentricity, their actions incomprehensible to ordinary beings.
14 For all his eccentricity, he had impressed me as a most intelligent man.
15 Any orbital eccentricity produced by the collapse must have been subsequently removed by tidal forces.
16 Without stage drama, her eccentricity blossomed(, and drew Jack and Rob into it.
17 A minor mutation should be deemed an eccentricity and nothing more.
18 The Roosevelts added a dash of upper-crust eccentricity to the bloodlines that extended down to the Alsop boys of Avon.
19 Jane had always thought that an eccentricity but now it occurred to her that it was what a spy would do.
20 Your eccentricity and conceit touch the verge of frenzy.
21 He can also bring stubbornness, eccentricity, rebellion, and perversity.
22 The dimensions or prestressing force and eccentricity require modification.
23 The result shows that when the radiation eccentricity increases to 0.75, the temperature rise of nonlinear crystal can be reduced by 21.1%.
24 The probe of the eccentricity sensor is designed. The problems such as power supply needed by oscillating circuit and signal transmission from rotary part to stationary part are solved.
25 He and his mother had had a reputation for eccentricity, irritability in those days.
26 It was now that she gained her reputation for eccentricity.
27 A wanderer, an iconoclast, whose mind had only been matched by his eccentricity.
28 My preoccupation with time, when I want to be timeless, has taken me to new heights of eccentricity.
29 From his ever-changing complexion to his personal menagerie and private amusement park, Jackson has long cultivated an aura of eccentricity.
30 The unbalanced magnetic pull(UMP) in a three-phase generator, caused by relative eccentricity , is calculated theoretically, and its effect on vibration of an eccentric rotor is studied.
More similar words: eccentricelectricitygeocentricegocentricethnocentricheliocentrichydroelectricitylubricityventricleprice elasticityauthenticitycentrifugal forceaccenttoxicityfelicityaccentuatepublicityethnicitycomplicityduplicityintricateintricacypatricidepatriciansimplicityplasticitycentreelectriciancentralpediatrician
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