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Drawl in a sentence

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Sentence count:26+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: crawlscrawlscrawledcrawlingdrawdraw outdraw ondraw upMeaning: [drɔːl]  n. a slow speech pattern with prolonged vowels. v. lengthen and slow down or draw out. 
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1. "Howdy, pardner," he said in his slow Texan drawl.
2. She spoke with soft Southern drawl.
3. She spoke in a slow southern drawl.
4. Mr. Peter spoke in a soft drawl.
5. He spoke in a monotone drawl.
6. Too much drawl and a Southerner sounds like a bumpkin.
7. Whether Southern drawl or Mid-West twang, it was all the same to me.
8. His mother was speaking with a slight drawl.
9. He had a bit of a Southern drawl.
10. Under direction of light drawl my shadow.
11. He speaks with a languid drawl.
12. She speaks with a Southern drawl.
13. Does he fake drawl or merely nod?
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
14. Virginia accent differs distinctly from the slow drawl of South Carolina.
15. 'What you got there?' he asked in a slow Texan drawl.
16. Mr Wade hid his legal acumen behind a cigar-chewing country-boy manner and a thick East Texas drawl.
17. "Where are y'all from?" he asked in a slow Southern drawl.
18. People want to throw large sums of money at Craig, just to hear him talk in that folksy North Carolina drawl.
19. Sarah Stewart is a real Southern belle from Jackson, Mississippi, with long blonde hair and a magnolia drawl.
20. Theatre administrator Patricia McBride is calling on expert help to get the boy's drawl exactly right.
21. Only five feet seven tall, he spoke in a high pitched drawl(, a public school accent he often emphasized abroad.
22. By far the most talked - about speech characteristic of Southerners is their drawl.
23. AFTER my uncle Sheldon moved to Dallas, he returned to Brooklyn for a visit flaunting a bolo tie, a splashy pair of cowboy boots and a nascent drawl.
24. " Good morning,'she cried , in her sweet, affected drawl, " Isn't it cold? "
25. The West Country dialect smacks as much of the farmyard as the patois of the French peasant, or the even more deliberate drawl of the Texan cattleman.
26. CNN didn't identify the lawmaker who was speaking. He had a bit of a Southern drawl.
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