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Diverse in a sentence

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Sentence count:272+3Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: differentdistinctseveralunlikevariousAntonym: samesimilarSimilar words: diversityoverseereverseanniversarydivedversusever soversionMeaning: [daɪ'vɜːs]  adj. 1. many and different 2. distinctly dissimilar or unlike. 
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121 Like-minded people have noticed this, with the results that they've always drawn diverse audiences.
122 The colder facts about the patterns of career destinations for the bulk of social science graduates are less glamorous but more diverse.
123 United by their love of comedy they come from diverse backgrounds in London and Surrey.
124 This wonderful diverse stretch of woodland clings tenaciously to the almost precipitous sides of the gorge.
125 Co-workers may be a permanent team or a constantly shifting flux of diverse people.
126 The gravitational field generated in its productive phase by the legislative cycle attracted items from several diverse sources.
127 Over 500 critical essays cover directors as diverse as Peter Bogdanovich and Tom Shadyac.
128 None the less,( three views consistent with historical materialism can be found in diverse works by Marx and Engels.
129 What is apparent, even from this small slice, is just how diverse that sector is.
130 Mammalian membranes have an enormously diverse composition and may contain over 100 distinctly different lipids.
131 The educational systems and cultural climates in every country are so diverse that international planning would be unwise and ineffectual.
132 The region's economy is more diverse now than it was 10 years ago.
133 Women, because of their role as mothers and wives, have diverse careers which are often very dissimilar to those of men.
134 These potential sources of emerging infections are diverse and cross the lines of various scientific disciplines and government agency responsibilities.
135 How does one possibly capture the flavor of race relations in a society as diverse as the United States?
136 Just how diverse they are is shown by the proportion of health care provided privately.
137 The project studied a diverse group of 20,000 teenagers from nine high schools.
138 Diverse ways of coping with the stress caused by illness will be identified and any links with self-esteem investigated.
139 But how can we work together when our starting points are so diverse?
140 The leaves are of diverse shapes, simple to compound, differentiated into petiole and blade.
141 Even with existing technologies applications are emerging in areas as diverse as shopfloor guidance, document filing and building planning and management.
142 Instead of the central board of directors foisting decisions on unwilling parties, policy formation reflects endless bargaining between diverse competing interests.
143 Objectives: A. Use diverse communication methods for wider and more effective delivery of critical public health messages.
144 The book is particularly good at showing how diverse medical opinion was.
145 On the Home Front, women's tasks were diverse and often physically taxing.
146 They are very diverse in composition, showing that they sample the belt population very widely.
147 Second, it would be a route for access to many diverse groups of potential learners around the world.
148 And to an extraordinary extent, diverse groups agree on what the maximum tax burden should be.
149 Thereby, he gives the field involving very diverse solvents a generality that is not often discerned in the writing of others.
150 New York is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world.
More similar words: diversityoverseereverseanniversarydivedversusever soversionever sinceconversionperspectivelivercontroversydriverconversationdelivercontroversialreceiverdeliverygive rise toover and overdivinedividedivisionnursecourseendorseof coursediscourseby yourself
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