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Diverse in a sentence

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Sentence count:272+3Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: differentdistinctseveralunlikevariousAntonym: samesimilarSimilar words: diversityoverseereverseanniversarydivedversusever soversionMeaning: [daɪ'vɜːs]  adj. 1. many and different 2. distinctly dissimilar or unlike. 
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151 The alliance was created to help the transition from a defense-dominated economy to more diverse industries.
152 For older people there have been a variety of different screening trials using an assortment of highly diverse methodologies.
153 But secondly, and more assertively, they examine the extremely diverse ways in which ontological insecurity is both generated and overcome.
154 There were few role models in the wider society which suggested that our creativity was so diverse and has such wonderful potential.
155 That is particularly relevant when one is considering a diverse range of hazardous wastes.
156 I find it really depressing that a city as diverse as New York has succumbed to this kind of corporate takeover.
157 Is it that the colours resonate off each other or are there more profound similarities between the exponents of two such diverse cultures?
158 You never know what brings a team together,( because teams are so diverse nowadays.
159 The University has many staff whose work of outstanding international merit in many diverse fields has brought it great acclaim.
160 The coral reefs of Walindi bay are probably the most diverse reef systems on our planet.
161 The march turned out to be the largest and one of the most diverse the movement had ever had.
162 Because the school is located just west of Downtown, it attracts an ethnically diverse student population.
163 What is crucial is to recognize that the diverse forms perform the same function in representing sound.
164 The East Bay economy is more diverse than its counterparts.
165 Mollusks are the second most diverse group of plants and animals in the world.
166 The social repercussions of Emancipation and accelerated economic development gave rise to a range of diverse pressures upon the regime.
167 I liked what he had to say about law as vocation, and all the diverse possibilities a law degree introduced.
168 More often than not, to account for linguistic phenomena we require diverse kinds of information from different components of a grammar.
169 Mail bomb campaigns typically generate terror by sending devices one by one to diverse targets over an extended period of time.
170 When it rains, it will wet a wide, diverse constituency.
171 Sir Colin has defended the institution's right to obtain diverse sources of funding.
172 Press coverage from the Lord Chief Justice's conference was even more diverse.
173 Types of Political System Classifications of political systems have been undertaken in diverse ways and for a variety of purposes.
174 In one event after another, audience members from diverse backgrounds asked questions that focused as much on writing as on reading.
175 It is vital that people get information on local issues from diverse sources.
176 The other wants a much more open, diverse society, less judgmental of people.
177 It he is right, then stage transgressions seemed to have spoken to immediate temptations in diverse ways.
178 Dole needs to win New Jersey with its diverse ethnic mix and 15 electoral votes.
179 However, it is a remarkable piece of interdisciplinary thinking, linking fields as diverse as fluid dynamics and neurophysiology.
180 The world is full of diverse cultures that behave in their own ways.
More similar words: diversityoverseereverseanniversarydivedversusever soversionever sinceconversionperspectivelivercontroversydriverconversationdelivercontroversialreceiverdeliverygive rise toover and overdivinedividedivisionnursecourseendorseof coursediscourseby yourself
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