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Distillation in a sentence

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Sentence count:297+1Posted:2017-02-27Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: distillatedistillmentSimilar words: collationventilationdistinctionappellationinstallationcancellationconstellationtitillateMeaning: [‚dɪstɪ'leɪʃn]  n. 1. the process of purifying a liquid by boiling it and condensing its vapors 2. a purified liquid produced by condensation from a vapor during distilling; the product of distilling. 
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151, Using acrylonitrile as the starting reagent, 2 - chloroacrylonitrile was prepared reaction stepsincluding catalytic chlorination, clean - up, and distillation.
152, Filtration, decantation , distillation, evaporation and crystallization are physical separating methods without formation of new substances.
153, The essential oil from Vitis Vinifera L. seed was extracted by the simultaneous distillation extraction method.
154, The energy consumption of azeotropy distillation was low but its energy-saving effects were inferior to that by multiple-effects extraction distillation.
155, In a fractionary distillation the process is repeated several times in a column.
156, Used pinch technology to design an optimal heat exchanger network for crude distillation unit.
157, Neural network based soft sensor models of diesel oil solidifying point crude distillation unit are discussed.
158, After salt out process and regular distillation, the recycling purity of isopropanol can reach above 98 %.
159, METHODS:The steam distillation was used to prepare the volatile oil from the rhizome and root of Acorus calamus L .
160, The crude production was purified h molecular distillation, and the FT-IR spectrum indicated the product was pentaerythritol oleate with relative high purity.
161, A finished film represents the distillation of hours upon hours of footage.
162, Then-butene was separated from C4 with the mixture of morpholine and N-formyl morpholine as extraction solvent by extractive distillation. The purity and yield may achieve over 97%.
163, K. Neon, argon, and krypton are obtained from fractional distillation of liquid air.
164, During the course of the experiment, the student will be exposed to fractional distillation under vacuum, gas chromatography, refractometry, polarimetry , and IR absorption spectroscopy.
165, Studies indicate that chymist coprecipitation azeotropic distillation can better prevent from hard - agglomeration and obtains homodisperse nanoparticle.
166, The possibility of preparation of methylal from methanol and formaldehyde through slurry catalytic distillation catalyzed by acidic cation exchange resin with large size pores is discussed.
166, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
167, The quality of vacuum distillates is closely related to the configuration of feeding part of the vacuum tower for crude distillation.
168, Purification by molecular distillation resulted in an obvious increase from 11.48% to 30.30% of the content of cuminal, which is responsible for the characteristic aroma of Cuminum cyminum L.
169, Learning 4 sets of production unit: MTBE, fractional distillation, cracking and cracking by catalytic agent.
170, An alembic is an apparatus formerly used in distillation and the word comes from al-inbiq, the still.
171, Different determination methods were compared and the best one was chromatography after the distillation of caproic acid bacteria solution.
172, Processes for production of benzofuran are introduced and analyzed in this article. A scheme, in which vacuum distillation is used, is put forward to improve the old processes.
173, The experimental results show that the conversion and the purity of methylal in the distillate can reach 0.89 and 0.99, respectively, and the slurry catalytic distillation process is practic...
174, There are three steps for preparation of polyglycerol fatty acid ester: polymerization, molecular distillation, polyglycerol esterification.
175, Setting up the vacuum distillation apparatus for the Essential Oils experiment. Photo by Chemistry laboratory staff.
176, Veratryl alcohol was synthesized through the reduction of sodium borohydride from veratraldehyde with isopropanol as solvent, followed by solvent extraction and distillation under reduced pressure.
177, An efficient numerical algorithm for a differential - algebraic system model of reactive distillation is given.
178, Output of styrene monomer was 82.3 % . Purity was 99.9 % , obtained by simple distillation.
179, By means of distillation - fractional condensation high purity antimony trichloride was made from antimony sulphide ore.
180, The numeric experiment shows that the adaptive and parallel tabu search can solve successfully large-scale distillation separation sequence synthesis problem.
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