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Distillation in a sentence

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Sentence count:297+1Posted:2017-02-27Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: distillatedistillmentSimilar words: collationventilationdistinctionappellationinstallationcancellationconstellationtitillateMeaning: [‚dɪstɪ'leɪʃn]  n. 1. the process of purifying a liquid by boiling it and condensing its vapors 2. a purified liquid produced by condensation from a vapor during distilling; the product of distilling. 
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121, A method, which combined neural network and genetic algorithms, was employed to simulate the catalytic distillation process by black box model and optimize the operational parameters.
122, The destructive distillation of wood to give methanol is the root of its common name - wood alcohol.
123, From the gas chromatography, report the percentages of limonene and carvone in your original sample and in the fractions following distillation.
124, The IEA also expects new investment in oil refineries to boost crude distillation capacity in the next five years at a faster pace than growth in demand.
125, Two of distillation crystallization method gas chromatography to determine the naphthalene content in oil were introduced.
126, The main method of separation used in refineries is fractional distillation, although further processing is normally required to produce marketable petroleum products.
127, The latter part is about the chemical constituents of essential oil extracted from stems, leaves and flowers of S. dianthus with steam distillation.
128, A soft sensor modeling of the oil solidifying point ( DOSP ) on crude distillation unit is studied.
129, The new calibrated model has been applied to the prediction of distillation range of kerosene, straight-run gasoline, and diesel fuel successfully.
130, Generally the crude methanol cannot meet the operation requirement so methanol distillation is needed.
131, Properties: color lobed or needle crystal, hexagonal columnar crystal obtained after distillation, easy deliquescence.
132, The dynamic model and its control method of batch distillation column are studied in this paper.
133, In batch operation, the feed to the column is introduced batch-wise. That is, the column is charged with a 'batch' and then the distillation process is carried out.
134, The gas cooler for thin solution distillation is added to satisfy the demand of enlarging production scale.
135, The column of reactive distillation was improved from compound tower to sieve tray tower which is famous for its lower cost of equipment and simpler operation and cleaning .
136, Through addition, acidification, closed ring and finally decompressed distillation,[] hydroxyl propane was made used propenol as initial material.
137, A comparison study of the composition of celery seed essential oil prepared by steam distillation (SD)and supercritical fluid extraction with carbon dioxide (SFE-CO2)was made using GC and GC-MS.
138, Distillation Vaporization of a liquid and subsequent condensation of the resultant gas Back to liquid form.
139, A unified control law consisting of disturbance-feedforward and state-feedback is designed and its application to the control of a three component distillation column system is illustrated.
140, Filtration, decantation, distillation, evaporation and crystallization are physical separating Methods: Without formation of new substances.
141, The results of simulation and implementation state that the proposed models take effect in the soft sensor of the crude distillation unit, and the dynamic model is better than the static model.
142, The crushed seeds, on steam distillation, yield a volatile oil, known as musk seed oil or ambrette seed oil.
143, The second variation type is called reversion evolution type, which represents the liquid segregation mainly with vapour-liquid fractional distillation.
144, It widespread application in the crude distillation units, enable heat transfer efficiency to obtain enhances greatly, and save the energy.
145, The vacuum membrane distillation for loquat leaf extract was tested and the concentration polarization was analyzed.
146, It was pointed that the major cause of the atmospheric distillation tower in Geermu Refinery was the idling of overhead cold reflux system.
147, The output of styrene monomer was 84.5% and its purity was above 99.9% through simple distillation.
148, The traditional chemical analysis, distillation method and XRF were used to measure the sulfur content in desulphurize slag contained calcium sulfate.
149, The essential oil of the Tianjin stylish celery seed was extracted by simultaneous distillation extraction method.
150, In the new, re-worked process, intermediate 3 is not crystallized but is used as a crude distillation residue in the next step.
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