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Dismissal in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+14Posted:2016-11-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dismisstransmissionvassalrenaissanceremissmissilemissingmissionMeaning: [-sl]  n. 1. a judgment disposing of the matter without a trial 2. official notice that you have been fired from your job 3. permission to go; the sending away of someone 4. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart). 
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151. The process of conciliation in unfair dismissal cases serves two purposes.
152. The President would lose the right to put down a motion for the government's dismissal.
153. Tenured teachers have a property interest in continued employment and therefore are always entitled to due process protections prior to dismissal.
154. The union withdrew its support; the women lost their case for unfair dismissal as a consequence.
155. How can that be so when today's diktat is a contemptuous dismissal of the community's united protest?
156. Even so, dismissal should never come as a bolt from the blue, however exalted your place in the corporate hierarchy.
157. The length of your notice period will also govern the worth of your fringe benefits in the event of a wrongful dismissal.
158. An employer need not give any notice if the employee's conduct constitutes gross misconduct justifying instant dismissal.
159. The increasingly likely dismissal of President Abdurrahman Wahid is grabbing most attention.
160. Implied dismissal of past achievements creates a lack of confidence.
161. Mrs Wharton left her job and claimed constructive dismissal; the others were dismissed.
162. Simon Hughes continued his dismissal with a swirl of dictionary arguments concerning the unacceptability of homosexual relationships as families.
163. The man who was arrested while leading a protest against the dismissal of workers trying to organize a union.
164. Prabhakar was reported by umpire Wilf Diedrichs for dissent after his dismissal in the day's first session.
165. Anyone who believes they have been subject to unfair dismissal can complain to an industrial tribunal.
165. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
166. The larger the employer, the less likely it is that there will be an unfair dismissal claim.
167. How does this summary dismissal affect the child with a genuine grievance?
168. The dismissal of Andrew Flintoff, bowled by Streak for a duck, is cause for more long-term concern.
169. The trouble is that since Chilcott's dismissal for punching, players in the county have been on their best behaviour.
170. Officer John Middleton barely avoided losing his badge, receiving a 240-hour suspension, the maximum penalty short of dismissal.
171. In contrast, Ellis showed great form until the dismissal which he said afterwards amazed him.
172. Four months after his dismissal, he applied for a job with the Metropolitan Insurance Company.
173. Reasons for my dismissal were nothing like I think I deserved.
174. This fact alone is simply inexcusable and should be grounds for dismissal and / or recall of the city officials responsible.
175. The employee may thus bring an unfair dismissal complaint or claim a redundancy payment.
176. For when one is dealing with such volatile temperaments, the slightest thing may result in my instant dismissal.
177. Non-redundancy dismissals By no means every dismissal occasioned by the need to restructure the business or to make economies is due to redundancy.
178. It leaves them wide open for dismissal by anybody with a basic knowledge of debating tactics.
179. It came after dismissal, when the entire class rushed to the parking lot and got into their cars.
180. Practical implications Almost all constructive dismissal cases involve an unfair dismissal claim.
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