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Dismissal in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+14Posted:2016-11-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dismisstransmissionvassalrenaissanceremissmissilemissingmissionMeaning: [-sl]  n. 1. a judgment disposing of the matter without a trial 2. official notice that you have been fired from your job 3. permission to go; the sending away of someone 4. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart). 
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121. The rebuke or the dismissal, then, becomes more fuel for their assumption that things are always being done to them.
122. First, the memorial did not call for the dismissal of any women employed in Edinburgh at the time.
123. But normally, dismissal seemed out of all proportion to the alleged fault.
124. All claims by the employee, whether they be for unfair dismissal, wrongful dismissal or redundancy are claims against the vendor.
125. It also made Julia angry, pointing up the unnecessary rudeness of Comfort's dismissal of David.
126. On the other, a dismissal would show that we were in earnest about stopping pilferage.
127. Dave, 30, of Bolton and Allan, 37, of Liverpool say no-one had complained and are claiming unfair dismissal.
128. This action was for wrongful dismissal but the same principle applies in a claim for damages for personal injury.
129. The account of events leading up to her dismissal and her subsequent reinstatement is skilfully narrated.
130. Given that redundancy is a fair reason for dismissing an employee, a redundant employee can not usually claim unfair dismissal.
131. Pamela Baptiste, a former consular officer at the high commission in St Lucia, has lodged a claim of unfair dismissal.
132. An Assessment of Industrial Tribunals Both the law and procedure for unfair dismissal claims are complex.
133. Clint Eastwood is usually threatened with dismissal in his detective movies, sometimes because his immediate superior is on the take.
134. If you continue to work without leaving, you will eventually lose your right to claim constructive dismissal.
135. Regulations have also been discussed regarding the suspension and dismissal of public employees who do not express loyalty to General Noriega.
136. Dismissal following automatically if a third serious offence was committed.
137. Unless she felt it because her dismissal from that job had deprived her of the sight and sound of Luke Scott?
138. It should have been a procession for Linfield after the Coleman dismissal.
139. Furthermore(, a claim of discrimination can be brought by some one who lacks the necessary qualifying service for unfair dismissal rights.
140. And the reward for dismissal is a golden handshake of several years' pay.
141. If you do not do so, you may be left in some doubt as to when a constructive dismissal occurs.
142. The case is also interesting from the point of view of the reason shown for the dismissal.
143. Auguste was therefore reprieved from instant dismissal from a post he had no idea he was occupying.
144. Courts have also upheld the dismissal of teachers who are mentally disabled.
145. By contrast,[] industrial tribunals in the exercise of the unfair dismissal jurisdiction are concerned with disputes between employee and employer.
146. What do you stand to gain in a wrongful dismissal case?
147. One point to clear up immediately is the widespread confusion between wrongful dismissal and unfair dismissal.
148. As if he sensed their homage the Kha-Khan elect waved a hand in dismissal.
149. Quentin's supporters were clearly in a minority as the City Council heard arguments for his dismissal.
150. The regents said Kagan was not a party to the activities that led to the dismissal of the rest of the board.
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