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Dialog in a sentence

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Sentence count:250Posted:2016-11-30Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: monologueSimilar words: dialoguecataloganalogycordialanalogousdiarymediaindiaMeaning: n. 1. a conversation between two persons 2. the lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction 3. a literary composition in the form of a conversation between two people. 
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1. Select an option from the dialog box.
2. At last there can be a reasonable dialog between the two governments.
3. Two actors carried on a dialog in the middle of the stage.
4. Another might trigger a dialog box, offering the user one of several command options.
5. The old dialog is replaced by a new wizard with expanded flexibility and functions.
6. Select the desired fault in the Triangulate dialog box.
7. How to open a format cells dialog box?
8. In the Attach to Process dialog box, click Attach.
9. Click the Run button in the Run dialog.
10. The Format String dialog box appears.
11. The run dialog allows the user to launch applications.
12. In the QuickWatch dialog box,[] click Add Watch.
13. For more information, see Search Criteria Builder Dialog Box.
14. The Select Code Type dialog box closes.
15. An error has occurred raising the Page Setup Dialog.
16. Brings up the Select Data Source dialog box.
17. The Encapsulate Field dialog box appears.
18. It is the Insert Object(s) wizard dialog (Figure 4)
19. Now write a telephone message according to your dialog.
20. Include the New Folder button in the dialog box.
21. Click'OK'to the informational dialog that appears.
22. In the Security Policy Setting dialog box, click Add.
23. Describes the Add Output Group dialog box.
24. In the Connect to Server dialog box, click the server that you want in the Server type list, type a server name in the Server name box, and then click Connect .
25. Kingsmill Bond at Moscow's Troika Dialog suggests the Baltic company Trigon Agri as a way to play the catch-up story in the Eurasian steppe.
26. While only one chapter is exclusively dedicated to this issue, it is certainly raised whenever necessary to further the dialog.
27. Specifically, we will explore the topic of how to use dialog boxes as our input-output devices.
28. To print a single tile you must exit the Poster and Banner Printing Options dialog box and reposition the ruler origin so it is at the top left corner of the area you want to print .
29. Of all the strings listed in Figure 5, the blank string at the top of the dialog doesn't need to be translated.
30. This text is a hyperlink. Its color may be changed using the Color Scheme dialog.
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