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Desiccate in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2017-03-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: ariddehydratedesiccateddry upexsiccateSimilar words: desiccantdesignatedesignatedhomesickanalgesicdesiredesistdesignMeaning: ['desɪkeɪt]  v. 1. preserve by removing all water and liquids from 2. remove water from 3. lose water or moisture. adj. lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless. 
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1. The bricks were desiccated by the sun.
2. We passed the desiccated corpse of a brigand hanging on a gibbet.
3. The old sailor's skin has desiccated from years of being out in the sun and the wind.
4. Scratched into this desiccated earth is an environmental warning.
5. Marriage, that desiccated, pedantic, self-satisfied prude.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
6. The ham was desiccated, the scrambled eggs congealed, and the fruit juice fermented.
7. Herman's taxidermy was inexpert, but Ma Katz was desiccated rather than rotten.
8. Desiccated liver is approximately 80% protein and is easily broken down and absorbed by the stomach.
9. Gone are the wild, kaleidoscopic murals, desiccated couches and furry dancing masses that rendered the old space a rhythmic poltergeist.
10. A few days later we passed the desiccated corpse of another brigand hanging on a gibbet beside the track.
11. Tympanic center leaves the alveolus of one desiccate.
12. The device was able to desiccate the salty water and to condense the moisture into drinkable water.
13. All the party seems to have to offer is the same desiccated old ideas.
14. When the pools dry, the rotifers turn into minute particles of dust, wrinkled and desiccated,[] awaiting the next rainfall.
15. They do not poach in winter, but are liable to become desiccated in summer.
16. If you are only going to take one form of supplement then desiccated liver should be your choice.
17. However, don't feed your feathered friends very dry bread, desiccated coconut or salty food.
18. Haemoglobin iron can be taken on its own or with desiccated liver.
19. Looking back towards the Pan-Americana, the huge mud complex appeared ringed with peaked and desiccated mountains.
20. Mixing it with water, wind, and memory, I reconstitute the desiccated fact as a full-blown experience pulsing with life.
21. I suspect that some readers will recoil from Jaynes' chilly, offhand assessment of his desiccated marriage.
22. Although many bdelloids live in desiccation-prone habitats, such as ephemeral ponds, there are substantial numbers found in permanently aquatic habitats that are unable to desiccate.
23. The sun is slowly expanding and brightening, and over the next few billion years it will eventually desiccate Earth, leaving it hot, brown and uninhabitable .
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