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Delegation in a sentence

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Sentence count:205+6Posted:2017-02-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: commissiondelegacydelegatingdeputationmissionrelegatingrelegationSimilar words: relegationallegationdelegatenegationabnegationdelectationobligationirrigationMeaning: [‚delɪ'geɪʃn]  n. 1. a group of representatives or delegates 2. authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions. 
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151) Her role must have been curiously akin to that of the executive businesswoman today, exercising the skills of management and delegation.
152) The delegation may arrive tomorrow morning.
153) Each country sent a delegation to the Olympics.
154) Our delegation flew to Zanzibar on June 1.
155) The delegation deems it necessary to state its position.
156) Visas were withheld from some members of the delegation.
157) the Dutch delegation to the United Nations.
158) The Sudanese government sent the biggest delegation.
159) He was once on a cultural delegation which came to China.
160) The Speaker of the Mauritian Parliament, Mr Prem Ramnah, headed a delegation to China two years ago and his visit scored positive results.
161) This is the fifth time for Tanggangzi Physiotherapeutic Hospital to receive Austrian TCM academy delegation.
162) Our relations to China go back to the 19th century when Alfred Krupp met the first delegation from China on 27 July 1866.
163) On August 12, 2006, Chinese President Hu Jintao met in the Great Hall of the People with President pro tempore of the United States Senate Ted Stevens and his delegation.
164) He also excitedly asked the West Point delegation if they knew of any effective truth serums.
165) People warmly welcome the return with full honours of the delegation.
166) U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine Chao will now lead the U.S. delegation to the closing ceremonies.
167) Management Delegation of authority, disaster relief objectives, press releases, safety plans, liaison plans.
168) Prince Philippe with his delegation participated in the counterpart fairs.
169) Zhejiang province is the personification of traditional industrial clusters, and Ningbo apparel industry has delegation denotation.
170) The delegation doctrine remains available to use in truly extreme cases.
171) Medvedev arrived in the day rate of a large delegation to New Delhi with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the ruling Congress party president Sonia Gandhi talks.
172) The delegation from China seems to be quite a sizeable one.
173) The Chinese delegation has received a document issued by the Secretariat and sponsored by the Group of 77, namely the draft resolution entitled "the Question of Food".
174) It came in the form of an unsigned document known as an aide-memoire, which was delivered directly to the Iranian delegation.
175) The nature of negotiating mechanism of the reform is free pricing mechanism arranged by valuable consideration not delegation.
176) The Chinese delegation endorses the statement made by Sudan on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
177) Xiao Zhang has gone to accompany a delegation on a visit abroad.
178) The discussion thus far has concerned delegation of legislative power.
179) This is the fourth time Paulson is heading a delegation of US cabinet officials at such a conference.
180) In August, 1986 he presented the report of the Soviet delegation at the special meeting of International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna.
More similar words: relegationallegationdelegatenegationabnegationdelectationobligationirrigationlitigationmitigationsubjugationlegislationelevationelegantinvestigationcelebrationineleganttelecommunicationtelecommunicationsnegativenegativelyratificationgratificationacclimatizationelectionselectionnationrationgeneral electionprimary election
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