Similar words: gestation, prestidigitation, stationery, stationary, nation-state, presentation, restoration, representation. Meaning: [diː‚fɒrɪ'steɪʃn] n. 1. the state of being clear of trees 2. the removal of trees.
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31, Deforestation and habitat destruction to build villages and plantations are the main culprits behind the mangabey's decline in Ghana and Ivory Coast, according to the Smithsonian's National Zoo.
32, Mennonite and other large landowners this week defended the deforestation, arguing that it created jobs.
33, As in much of Africa, in Malawi homes an open wood fire is a common sight; yet they burn wastefully, exacerbating deforestation problems and contributing to global warming.
34, One percent of Brazil's total forest cover is being lost every year to deforestation.
35, At $ 50, there is an additional 15 per cent from avoiding deforestation.
36, Now Nicholas Pepin from the University of Portsmouth, UK, and colleagues say deforestation could be an important part of the puzzle.
37, One is logging, deforestation and general eco - degradation in that region.
38, To survive, Cordillera Azul National Park needs money, and it believes that one long-term solution will be REDD (strategies for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation).
39, Boca do Acre, a cattle-ranching town in the deep south of Amazonas state, is one of the new frontlines of the government's war on illegal deforestation.
40, The Little Green Data Book 2007 shows that deforestation has essentially been a feature of the poorer countries.
41, Commercial felling of timber since the Gold Rush era, the red cedar is continuing deforestation, timber companies and environmentalists are among the subject of debate.
42, Haiti, Saint Lucia, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Comoros and Samoa had the highest annual rates of deforestation from 1990 to 2000, ranging from 2.1 to 5.7 percent.
43, It is widely acknowledged that extensive deforestation contributed to heavy summer flooding.
44, Distinguished by its prominent nose, the endangered proboscis monkey lives only on the island of Borneo[], where deforestation threatens its continued existence in the wild.
45, "Nobody understands how a carbon market of US$64 billion can be created in the developed countries but that no funds can be found to prevent the annual deforestation of 13 million hectares," he said.
46, The chief reason is rapid slash-and-burn deforestation in the Amazon Basin.
47, Economic development has spurred deforestation and pollution in surrounding provinces in central China, endangering at least 57 plant species, including the Chinese dove tree and the dawn redwood.
48, Any efforts to substantially reduce global emissions from deforestation will of course have to focus on those two countries and those four sectors as a matter of upmost priority.
49, Discuss two major reasons for this high rate of tropical deforestation.
50, Experts attributed the frequent sandstorms this winter to erosion and deforestation.
51, Take Indonesia, where 80 % of deforestation is of dubious legality.
52, Haiti is an island nation a high population a history of deforestation.
53, "The results were a surprise because we expected that fires would have decreased with the decrease of deforestation," said co-author Luiz Aragao from the University of Exeter.
54, Once in a winter the government ordered the deforestation of all trees to convert to economic maidenhair trees which they believed could make us rich.
55, Based on the long-term hydrometric records at Zipingpu hydrologic station on the upper Minjiang river, an analysis is conducted to reveal the effect of deforestation on the hydrologic regime.
56, Dr Hantanirina Rasamimanana, a researcher and teacher at Antananarivo University, said: "Deforestation is always a problem, but in these past five months bushmeat is also very dangerous.
57, There's also alarm at the rate of deforestation in Indonesia.
58, "The mudslide was caused by geology, but it was worsened by deforestation, " Dr. Qi says today.
59, The study provides a holistic iew of the deforestation issue.
60, The current growing tropical rain forest deforestation reclamation, people of all countries has caused great concern.
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