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Defender in a sentence

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Sentence count:184+9Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: challengerSimilar words: defendantoffenderdefensedefensivegenderrendertenderindependentMeaning: [-də]  n. 1. a person who cares for persons or property 2. a fighter who holds out against attack. 
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61. Graham knows his defender should be learning his trade by the occasional appearance in a winning team to breed confidence.
62. Hankin stressed the central defender was rested and not dropped.
63. I am no great lover or defender of the legal profession.
64. Cerritos and defender John Doyle were both named to the Western Conference all-star team as reserves.
65. The 21-year-old defender will be in contention for the team to face Halifax at the McCain Stadium tomorrow.
66. Truman, Harriman, and others viewed the United States as the chief defender of Western civilization.
67. The two-month study involved about 35 public defender cases in which Fuhrman was the investigating officer.
68. Or central defender Teale who limped out of White Hart Lane, also nursing a wound above his left eye.
69. America is a great country - from the master of slavery to a champion of civil rights and a defender of liberty and freedom, America is a symbol of great human spirit and justice. Dr T.P.Chia 
70. Middlesbrough fans feared the worst when central defender Nicky Mohan was sent off for a second bookable offence.
71. The 24-year-old central defender has hit the best form of his career.
72. Victory came courtesy of rock-solid defender Richard Smith's one mistake eight minutes from time.
73. In many cases, the source of delay is not a dispute between the pursuer and the defender but between the defenders.
74. Newcastle edged ahead again in the 31st minute when defender Kevin Scott hooked home from close range.
75. But defender Andy Barlow will be sidelined for a month after straining a calf muscle in training.
76. And then he took advantage of a mix-up between Bennett and defender Darren Bradshaw to nip in and side-foot home.
77. Newsome is just the sort of defender we need if we are to compete at the highest level.
78. Ward will have a full squad to choose from apart from former Hartlepool defender Tony Barratt, who has a calf strain.
79. The first needed a huge deflection off defender Chris Innes to elude keeper Gordon Marshall.
80. Central defender Tony Mowbray believes his former team have a fighting chance at Old Trafford.
81. The defender launches his pre-emptive counter-attack a split second after the attacker prepares to strike.
82. Kernaghan has been Boro's most consistent defender and a key figure in the Second Division promotion drive.
83. The defender now turns attacker, stepping quickly forward and striking with a reverse punch to his attacker's chest.
84. Using his crossover dribble to create space between him and a defender and then sticking a 3-pointer.
85. Now the auction for County defender Craig Short will begin.
86. He said he wanted the defender to dictate what happens instead of reacting.
87. Their development at UMass, Travieso as a defender and Padilla as a floor leader[], has been phenomenal.
88. Having blocked two attacking techniques, the defender counters with a double punch to his opponent's face.
89. The defender does this by suddenly splitting his X block and converting it to a double open-palm grab.
90. The Derby defender was signing autographs outside the ground when he suddenly broke away and roared off home.
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