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Decent in a sentence

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Sentence count:260+13Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adequatecorrectfitproperrespectablerightsuitableAntonym: coarseindecentvulgarSimilar words: recentrecentlydeceptiveCent.scentper centcenteraccentMeaning: ['diːsnt]  adj. 1. socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous 2. according with custom or propriety 3. conforming to conventions of sexual behavior 4. enough to meet a purpose 5. decently clothed 6. observing conventional sexual mores in speech or behavior or dress. adv. in the right manner. 
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151. And as for compassion, haven't I just provided your first decent meal of the day?
152. Many thousands of decent people of all classes were made bankrupt in that way.
153. I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal. Groucho Marx 
154. The Trojans brought the ball up but could not get off a decent shot.
155. But then, hadn't she always known that he was a good and decent man?
156. We do not wish to glorify people who are not leading decent lives.
157. He was wearing a decent black cloth lounge suit, and had no intentions of changing his mode of attire.
158. I want to provide my boys with a decent education.
159. With her stomach settling and a surprisingly decent meal in her, Anne's spirits rose all the way up to okay.
160. Good old Dad, however, did the decent thing and the binoculars were mine.
161. It is becoming harder to find decent housing in the city.
162. It's very decent of you to be so pleased for me -- I know how much you wanted to win this competition.
163. He insisted it be given a decent burial and immediately got another cat to replace it.
164. So now Mrs Kettering could enjoy the future with her Claudio, whom she would meet again after a decent interval.
165. Shall receive an income that guarantees a decent standard of living. 12.
166. Thieving needs to be done outside of Deptford - somewhere there are decent things to steal.
167. You ran a decent campaign, John, and I know how it feels to lose.
168. Quite decent things, hopelessly botched, needing to be made clean again.
169. We believe that retired people who have worked all their lives are entitled to a decent standard of living.
170. They were a decent lot and I was glad that they accepted me despite my anomalous position.
171. Discusses the government's ambition to ensure that the right to have a decent home should be available to everyone.
172. Lifestyles remained simple but identification with the masses was impossible if kids had to get a decent education.
173. And that brought in Mayor Dever, a judge, and by Chicago standards,( a decent man.
174. If you only write when inspired, you may be a fairly decent poet, but you'll never be a novelist. Neil Gaiman 
175. High interest cheque account-Best of both worlds, you get a decent rate of interest and a cheque book.
176. This camera is no exception and also comes with some pretty decent features.
177. They built alliances to win decent wages, decent working conditions.
178. You would think that with all the money I make, I could at least have a decent place to sleep.
179. Decent working people are frustrated at the level of crime in the cities.
180. Why are such decent men, of such ability and goodwill, now being overtaken by events?
More similar words: recentrecentlydeceptiveCent.scentper centcenteraccentcenturycentralincentivecenturionpercentageunprecedentedadolescentaccentuateconcentrateconcentrationconcentratingentertainmentsentimentdeckpiecedecadedeclaredecidereceivedeclinedecorumreceiver
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